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Potential Blepharitis Cure (Unemployment) Vs Dry Eye Misery (Employment)

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  • Potential Blepharitis Cure (Unemployment) Vs Dry Eye Misery (Employment)

    As many of the people on this website, I suffer from a Dry Eye Condition (Blepharitis). I went to see an Allergist the other day and he suspects my red, swollen, dry, uncomfortable eyes are a result of my Allergies. I have thought my Allergies where the cause for a long time now and the more information I read about the nose and eye connection, the more it makes sense. This leaves me with a very tough decision as one of my allergies is dust mites and I work in construction. I am constantly working in dusty areas and no matter how careful you are doing this type of work, you will get dirty leaving my eyes bloodshot and sore. I am 22 years old and I am very lucky to have a job in the tough working climate today. I fully appreciate and like my job but should I continue on if it is causing me to be miserable??? Is it a good idea to find a job with more "dry eye friendly" working conditions???Is there a job with more "dry eye friendly" working conditions???

    I have posted this thread as I am curious if anyone has made this tough decision and hasn't looked back with any regrets. Or if anyone is in a similar position? Or if anyone has any advise on what to do? I would ask a friend or family member but as they do not suffer from any similar conditions they will not understand. I have tried in the past it never works out well.

    Any advise would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks for reading!

  • #2
    Here's how I would look at the options -
    1) No change, continued misery, eye condition gets worse till you have trouble doing any job at all
    2) Same job, but change your eyes' immediate environment (i.e. get really good moisture chamber glasses to keep out dust, keep in moisture) and see if that helps - in addition to whatever allergy & bleph treatments you're doing
    3) Different type of job in same business (occasionally possible... maybe not in your field though) where whatever special measures you have to take at work will be more effective at keeping your eyes in decent shape or perhaps not even as necessary
    4) Different type of job altogether, ditto re: special measures
    5) No job

    I had to go through a, uh, pretty drastic career 'redirection' as a result of eye troubles. Specifically, employment in one field with long hours, lots of travel and heavy computer use to self-employment in a totally different field which initially also had all those same problematic features but gave me total control over how and when and where I did things.
    Rebecca Petris
    The Dry Eye Foundation


    • #3
      For what its worth i am currently taking a medical leave from PA school to try and figure out my dry eyes. For me the decision basically came down to knowing that i wasn't going to get better working in an environment that was very conducive to dry eye (low humidity, a/c, heat, lots of computer use, lots of reading). This year off im planning on experimenting with diet and other treatments to give myself the best shot at recovery. I would rather miss one year and at least try to heal my eyes then continue on with dry eye misery that wasn't getting better. Health is more important than money in my opinion because you need your eyes for the rest of your life (im only 24)

      On the other hand, i would definitely recommend the moisture chamber goggles to see if that helps before you quit your job. Additionally im allergic to dust mites too but they are pretty ubiquitous. They are found on your sheets, on your clothes, on your couch, in your carpet, etc. It would be pretty hard to avoid exposure to those no matter what profession you are in.


      • #4
        Originally posted by gormz View Post
        For what its worth i am currently taking a medical leave from PA school to try and figure out my dry eyes. For me the decision basically came down to knowing that i wasn't going to get better working in an environment that was very conducive to dry eye (low humidity, a/c, heat, lots of computer use, lots of reading). This year off im planning on experimenting with diet and other treatments to give myself the best shot at recovery. I would rather miss one year and at least try to heal my eyes then continue on with dry eye misery that wasn't getting better. Health is more important than money in my opinion because you need your eyes for the rest of your life (im only 24)

        On the other hand, i would definitely recommend the moisture chamber goggles to see if that helps before you quit your job. Additionally im allergic to dust mites too but they are pretty ubiquitous. They are found on your sheets, on your clothes, on your couch, in your carpet, etc. It would be pretty hard to avoid exposure to those no matter what profession you are in.
        I think you can get allergy shots for dust mites. So that might be an option.

        And you can still minimise dust mites at home, air purifier to minimise dust, dust covers etc.
        I healed my dry eye with nutrition and detoxification. I'm now a Nutritional Therapist at: Join my dry eye facebook group:


        • #5
          Thanks Rebecca, I appreciate your reply,

          Think I'll see how the Allergy Medication works out first and go from there.


          • #6
            Originally posted by gormz View Post
            For what its worth i am currently taking a medical leave from PA school to try and figure out my dry eyes. For me the decision basically came down to knowing that i wasn't going to get better working in an environment that was very conducive to dry eye (low humidity, a/c, heat, lots of computer use, lots of reading). This year off im planning on experimenting with diet and other treatments to give myself the best shot at recovery. I would rather miss one year and at least try to heal my eyes then continue on with dry eye misery that wasn't getting better. Health is more important than money in my opinion because you need your eyes for the rest of your life (im only 24)

            On the other hand, i would definitely recommend the moisture chamber goggles to see if that helps before you quit your job. Additionally im allergic to dust mites too but they are pretty ubiquitous. They are found on your sheets, on your clothes, on your couch, in your carpet, etc. It would be pretty hard to avoid exposure to those no matter what profession you are in.

            Thanks for the reply gormz and good Luck with figuring out and curing your Dry Eyes. I hope you do.

