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  • #16
    Ctrain Thanks for posting.
    Today was a very hard day, I don't consider myself a positive person, but I'm trying my best to fight this back.
    After work, I read your post and you made me cry.
    So many times I have felt suicidal, but I wouldnt do that, I have a life in front of me, it would be a shame to lose it because of stupid dry eyes.(Im 28 yo)
    This new doctor prescribed oral azythromicin, no avail. (I've been 1 week with this antibiotic, but I noticed that my stomach doesnt like it)...
    Ive tried lots of eye drops but now when I apply them, my eyelids feel heavy, idk why... There is no tear that brings a little relief for me... not even 5 mins.
    I've been taking thera tears nutrition for over 4 months. the only difference I noticed, is that AT LEAST, I can sleep the whole night without waking up because of the pain.
    I don't know how I can make it through the night. I added a new omega 3 supplement ( I think thera tears was not enough), this was a GNC brand,
    Do you know what is my dream right now? Be able to go to the movies again (please donīt laugh!).

    Also, waterbee.. I haven't tried doxy, I took it on January, because of the facial rosacea, and it helped, (in january i didnt have this problem), but the dr changed it to lymecycline, and 1 month after that, all this hell began.
    I haven't give it another try,
    Guys, I don't know you but I can feel you, and I really appreciate your help.
    I live in Mexico, here we don't have the IPL thing for the eyes... not even lipiflow... I live near the border, there is an IPL clinic in Houston, so maybe I could go there (of course, I would have to save lots of money before that)..
    And also I feel that I have stopped everything... Klee... that can't be good. You can't just forget about it because the pain is real, and is always there.. but we have to force ourselves to DO things, to go out, to try different things.


    • #17
      Hi Lili,
      You sound like you have the same issues as me, feel free to read my blog


      • #18
        Hard journey. I had no idea dry eye could be so hard,when i get blurred vision,i get physically ill from it it makes me so nervous. Xx


        • #19
          For lilli. I love nature,long car rides ,dinners out. Ive done nothing but stay home and go to doctors. I have to snap out of this.Xx


          • #20
            Klee do you have a diagnosis? what triggered your des?


            • #21
              StellaM which blog?? :0


              • #22
                Originally posted by lili28 View Post
                Klee do you have a diagnosis? what triggered your des?
                Well,as of now mgd/blepharitis.


                • #23
                  I also have bad eye floaters. Just woke up a day in march and my vision was hazy. Took several eye exams for someone to examine my lids. Im still not finished going for check ups, i want to make sure this is the blurry vision caus.


                  • #24
                    Klee Dry eye can cause blurry vision, but I don't know about the floaters.
                    I do have one floater in my right eye, idk why.. it just appeared.
                    Have they checked your glasses prescription?.. I was having problems with my eyesight (I still have), and they found that I'm farsighted.Idk why they took so long to discover that... (they had to put drops to dilate my pupils so they can have the "real" prescription).
                    Pay attention to other symptoms you may have.


                    • #25
                      Ive had eye floaters since my 20s. I now have worse ones from something called posterior vitrous detachment. Between that and blurry dry eyes its a challenge. Xx


                      • #26
                        I have had dry eye for over 50 years. At times I wanted to remove my eyes it was so bad. The big thing is to change doctors, not every eye doc is understanding about this. I have seen many. I went out of my way to see top specialists in the country. So disappointing Even though I had found a new docs years ago that was good I still went to other docs. Glad I did.' I got bits and pieces of help from several. The light problem is from dry eyes. At times when mine improved from omega 3 I didn't have a problem. For me personally flaxseed oil was my lifesaver. I take it three times a day and also do fish oil since I can't stand fish. I will say the last 15 years I have been mostly comfortable. The doxy or similar antibiotic are helpful. Seems like they are so slow to show results I thought they were not working. So I stay on them. But I do take a probiotic at the opposite end of the day. Have you been checked to see if your eyes close all the way? That also can contribute to the problem. One good thing for you if there is such a thing is that there is way more help and products when I first started having the problem. I have done fml, manuka honey and about anything else. Trouble is what works for one may not for the someone else. Most people will not understand what you are going through. You have to have it to know. That is why this is a great board. I do not get on here as much as I should.


                        • #27
                          I apparently have acqueas and mgd also. Guess they can go hand in hand. Not fun. I think mine is mainly hormonal. I am post menopause.


                          • #28
                            Well, what helped me is two things. One is that for eight years now I've been living about 92% on fluid cow milk and cream products. So every day I drink between one and two gallons of fluid cow milk and cow cream products. That could be different combinations of skim milk, whole milk, 1%, 2%, half and half. If you drink half and half it has a lot of calories so that day you might drink less of the other kinds of milk. For six years that was enough. Then, about two years ago I had some general body tiredness I had trouble dealing with, so I added getting quite involved in religion. Now the combination of living 92% on milk and cream products and participating in religion has me feeling okay, including my eyes.

                            The National Eye Institute also has good information on their dry eye page:

