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New member, Another story.. Hello to everyone!

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  • New member, Another story.. Hello to everyone!

    Hello my name is Dave, 57 years old, i live in northern California.

    My story
    I thought I'd write down everything i could think of as my problem has been around for many

    years of my life. Perhaps this will help others or maybe someone can make comments as they

    find things that match what they are feeling.
    I hesitated about posting this much info.. However someone somewhere may find this helpful.

    Working indoor with AC and Heating increases my eye problems
    I seem to have reactions to hot and cold and also airborne particles, both in my eyes and my

    sinuses.. Sneezing.
    I work in IT and always thought my eye problem was part of my job. I sit behind a monitor 8

    hours a day.

    My eyes hurt over the top of my eyes, i was tested for sinis infection and told I dont have any

    sinuses. It seems to help massaging over the top of my eyes.

    I have been to several top opthamologists over the years who told me my eyes are great and see

    no problem, that its just strain. One eye doctor said i may have a degree of dry eye and he

    suggested some drops and sent me on my way.
    For years I had no idea what was wrong with me, i spend thousands of out of pocket money to

    get tested for just about anything imaginable.

    Creepy eyes
    Years later I'm single, women think I'm creepy because I cant tolerate sun. they ask me to take

    off my glasses or show pictures of my eyes without glasses. I've had this creepy eye issue for

    years. I frown allot and squint allot.

    Painful Waking
    I have noticed that since I was very young, perhaps in my 20's that I would wake up and my

    eyes immediately needed water to help alleviate the pain I had upon awakening. I always had

    to be near a sink or fresh water to wake up properly. When i went camping i kept a bottle of

    water in my tent to use when i woke up.
    Lately it has been worse waking up and since i dont sleep well i think my eyes suffer from any

    recovery cause I only sleep 3-4 hours a night.

    Some days driving to work i cannot even keep my eyes open while driving. I'll bet the

    ventilation has something to do with this.
    I tried several prescription eye drops and they must have had preservative in them because over

    a few days my condition got really worse.

    When i meet people i get anxious because i feel like they are looking at my eyes. Some times

    they are really red and people think i smoke weed. and I dont.
    I avoid eye contact with people and wear sun glasses indoors.
    Summer air, hot or windy conditions drive me crazy and i wear sunglasses everywhere. They

    are my savior.

    Matter in the eye
    I always found stringy matter in my eye, it would block my vision. So when I was driving I

    would use my hands and fingers to remove this, probably infecting and irritating my eyes

    Some times I notice like sand in the corner of my eye, itches bad and takes some doing to get

    the sand out of the corner of my eye.

    My days at work are tough, i stuggle to get through the day and drive home.
    I have dual 20 inch computer monitors and i'm sure thats not helping my eyes. I made a change

    that might have helped, i changed my background screen to medium gray. I used to have a solid

    blue background but I heard blue radiation can irritate the eyes. Its seems to have helped.
    I also have computer reading glasses, 24 inch focal length.. typical glasses are 16-18 I believe.

    this allows me to sit back and not have to squint.

    Closing my eyes
    My ex girl friend said to me " I notice you stand with your eyes closed". I wash my dishes with

    my eyes closed. I get up at night to use the mens room and i navigate around like a blind man.
    It feels good to have my eyes closed.
    I could never figure out why i always close my eyes, never realized it was the irritation from the

    air that was cause me to want to close them. I cannot keep my eyes open without blinking for

    only a couple seconds.
    I walk around my house like a blind man, i feel my way around because I have my eyes closed

    when i'm at home. Some people think I'm meditating.. lol

    Sensitivity to light
    Sunlight is literally unbearable. When i was a kid i would be on the lake in my boat every

    weekend. I recall not even owning sun glasses. now i wonder how i ever did that and I wonder

    if I can ever tolerate sunlight again.

    My biggest concern is to start on drops and find out days later that they have irriated my eyes

    beyond normal and will have to wean off the drops just to get back to some type of normal.

    Meaning prescription or over the counter lubricating drops.
    I tried stuff like visine which is like death for the eyes, it made my condition so bad took weeks

    to recover. I'm sure everyone here knows that. But back in the 70-80's it was, go get the visine.

    For what its worth, a friend of mine who was born in Argentina said to try tea bags on my

    eyes.. it seemed to help and was relieving .. I gave it up after a time since it didnt seem to cure

    the problem.

    I also discovered i had high mercury level from eating allot of fresh ocean caught fish, since I am

    a fisherman.. But I corrected that situation by not eating fish until my body released all the

    mercury and back to normal levels. I also had my metal fillings removed which had no impact

    on my mercury levels cause they were back to normal before i had the fillings done. i can safely

    say at least in my case that mercury had no impact my my eye condition as it still persists. ( I

    read someone posting on mercury here )
    Whether or not mercuy has impacted my immune system i cannot say for sure, but I can tell you

    my blood tests out perfectly for a 57 year old. I always have superb blood sugar, blood

    pressure, all of it. Doctors are always saying I have great blood chemistry and very healthy in

    that regard.
    By the way mercury is an interesting thing, it will secrete from your cells into your blood, some

    gets excreted and then the body will reabsorb some of the mercury back into your cells. So the

    tests take time to really see anything, takes months to excrete mercury unless you do this

    chelation method.. which i never had to do. last but not least there are no real symptoms of

    high mercury ( which some place the limit at 10 PPB .. mine was 20 PPB ).. The symptoms only

    get really pronounced if you have some astronomically high mercury poisoning. Symptoms are

    are very subjective. Some people can feel something wrong as they get higher levels.. some do

    not have symptoms and can live with very high levels and not even know it.
    Blood tests are the only real way to know what your mercury level is. High limit threshold

    values vary from lab to lab.

    I've tried eliminating dairy, cheese, milk.. i avoided cheese and milk for over a year. Funny, it

    seemed to improve my overall health. But during this time frame i did have eye flair up issues..

    While dairy may not have been the root cause, avoiding dairy might have helped my overall

    well being. my personal experience is that I found no cure in elimintaing dairy or i would have

    never went back to eating it. I think eliminating dairy probably reduced my inflammation and

    may have improved my eye condition during that time but no silver bullet.

    I drink 2-3 beers a day for many years. Not sure what the long term affects of drinking a couple

    beers a day for most of my life is. I thought maybe this was dehydrating me and causing eye

    problems. I've gone a week with no beer and had no impact on my eyes. .. Probably wouldnt

    hurt to quit anyhow.

    Seeing halos
    Here's another anomaly, when driving in my car with my sun glasses on.. or walking around. i

    would notice a halo or an aura around objects in the distance. I thought maybe i was psychic or

    seeing things. I wrote it off as being some issue with my eyes. Trying to be funny here but the

    halo thing is real. Its usually a darkish streak or halo around some distant object.

    One other item to mention, i had an eyelid surgery to eliminate some of the baggyness in my

    eyes. It was mainly for cosmetic reasons but I also thought that not having the heavy feeling

    over my eyes might help.. it didnt.

    Dry Eye Talk
    I have recently discovered this web site and started to focus on dry eye treatments, including

    preservative free drops, gel drops, ointment at night.
    Its really looking like it helps, at least I'm on the right track since no doctor seemed to have the

    knowledge to link this condition with my problems.

    I'm trying to post everything i can think of about my condition so that it may help me or

    someone else to correlate all this info.. I'm sure other folks have notice allot of the same.

    Given all of this and from what i read, i probably belong to the group of dry eye suffferers.

    Being an engineer , i hope to find the root cause and be able to minimize if not eliminate the

    issue. Being an engineer I probably havent been able to see the forest because of the trees as

    well. ( meaning i have been looking for everything but the obvious )

    Thanks to all of you for reading my story and providing this web site. it may have changed my

    life, which has sucked for quite some time.

  • #2
    hi davel
    did you manage to cure the white stringy mucous?


    • #3
      Welcome Dave!

