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Another Lasik Statistic

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  • Another Lasik Statistic

    Hi There,

    Well I had my lasik almost 9 months ago. I on purposely didn't let myself research lasik on the internet so I would not freak myself out. What a mistake! I personally know at least 10 people who have had lasik and are thrilled with their results. I had no reason to think I would be any different. I wore contacts for 21 years with no real problems. Every now and then one would bother me and I would take it out, rinse it off and pop it back in. It was usually okay after that. Looking back was that a dry eye symptom? I didn't know if it was.

    My lasik surgeon told me I was a great candidate. He examined my eyes. I was mildly myopic with a bit of astigmatism in the right eye. If he saw dryness he didn't mention it to me. He didn't do a Schimers test. I didn't feel any symptoms. This is the part that haunts me the most. Did I miss the symptoms? Did he?

    Three days after the surgery my eyes turned bone dry. I tried drops but they only gave me temporary relief from the burning and stinging. The people at the dr. office made me feel like I am the only patient they have ever had that had this severe of a problem. Ironically though my vision is 20/20. That to them means success. Nevermind that I was in so much pain.

    I left that office and went to a corneal specialist. He helped me a lot. I have been on Restasis for 3 months and have 2 lower silicone plugs. It has made me better. But I'm greedy. I want to feel totally better. I paid 5 grand for this surgery and was totally prepared to not see 20/20. But never did I think I would put myself in pain. I am now scared that after 9 months this is as good as it is going to get.

    I take biotears and drink a bunch of water and do other dry eye treatment. I LOVE my panoptx glasses for driving and when I need air conditioning in the car. But I don't have the nerve to wear them into stores yet. So every shopping trip means my eyes will be stinging more. I feel bad for complaining because I am sure my eyes are not as bad as most here now. But I still do have burning/stinging even if it has improved. Am I being unrealistic and greedy to want it ALL gone? I guess I am a wimp because any discomfort is too much discomfort for me. And my eyes while improved are not where they were presurgery at all.

    I have so much regret and I think this is even worse than my physical symptoms. Plus, and this is bad, I really hate my doctor. I know this is unhealthy and I signed that consent form. He never spoke to me about complications though although it was all spelled out for me on that dang form. I also hate myself for doing this to an otherwise happy life. Why didn't I just leave myself alone? Contacts weren't all that bad. How do I move on past this regret and just accept things as they are and learn to cope and modify my lifestyle to my new handicap? I know that is what I need to do but I just can't seem to settle that in my mind and accept what I've done to myself. I feel like I need to apologize to those of you who are worse off than me. I feel like a bad person because the improvement I have had isn't enough to make me happy. But my eyes still do burn, darn it. And I am just so sick of it.

    Does anyone know of anyone who had lasik dry eye and eventually did heal after it went on for so long? Even if I could know that in 5 years my eyes would feel normal this would be enough for me to have the strength to push on. I just need hope. But I don't know anyone who has had this complication let alone recovered from it.

    Any words of encouragment from anyone?

  • #2

    I am sorry to hear that you are here because of your dry eyes but I am also pleased that you have found this supportive site.

    Many of us here have Laser Induced Dry Eyes, I know that it is probably not a lot of comfort in my saying but it is still early days for you. They suggest that a lot of the healing take 0-12 months so there is a very real posibility that it will continue to improve for you.

    The feelings of hatred are probably relatively normal, although unhealthy, it is part of the natural grieving process that most of us go through. There is no point beating yourself up for having the surgery, what is done is done. The challenge you now face is to accept it and to move on with your life.

    We all have fantastic 20/20 hindsight and all the woulda, coulda, shoulda is not going to help at all.

    I know that it is all easier said than done but you will find that with time, you will learn to manange your symptoms and hopefully, evenutually they will dissapear all together.

    I welcome you to the board, have a look around, you will find some inspiration on those tough days, some great tips and some good buddies.

    I wish you well



    • #3

      I am so sorry that you've joined "the club". I too developed severe dry eye just days after the surgery.

      Try not to beat yourself up too much over what you did or didn't do. I knew I was having problems with my eyes, told my Lasik surgeon and his staff all about them and he still insisted that I was an"excellent candidate." They also did not do a Schirmer test, despite those symptoms. And many people who actually were outright contact lens intolerant were still told to go ahead with the surgery. How could you have possibly known? Having to take a contact lens out occasionally would surely not be something I would think to question.

      Dry Eye Syndrome is notorious for being subclinical. That does not mean it can't be pre-diagnosed, it just means the signs don't match the symptoms or visa-versa. IMO, ALL lasik candidates should be thoroughly screened for the variety of tear function problems that are possible. And that all Lasik surgeons are required to be certified as "dry eye specialists". Whatever that's worth.

      I am curious about something, though. You mention wearing contact lenses for 21 years. I am taking a guess here but are you near 40? Peri or post menopausal? Taking any hormones? I only ask as that does put you in a higer risk category for chronic dry eye. Women as a group are higher risk candidates. I would strongly suggest you see an opththalmologist who specializes in dry eye and see if you have underlying conditions that could be affecting your healing. Very often your tears, now reduced by the Lasik, are also evaporating due to MGD (you can read all about that on this site) or other underlying issues.

      My point is that with care, you can make this better. Compared to where I was I am definitely better. Some of that is better coping skills, I admit, and just accepting that this is what I have to deal with. Even with a schirmer score of ZERO. I am still hopeful that by paying strict attention to my eye care and the underlying eye health issues, I can eventually make a full recovery.

      And you always have a place to come where people understand exactly what you are going through.

      Severe Dry Eye due to Lasik 7/14/06


      • #4
        Thank you for your replies! The support is very helpful.
        I just turned 40 this month. I actually had a hysterectomy last year, but kept my ovaries. After the surgery my docotor did a hormone panel and all levels were normal. I have had no signs of menopause, hot flashes etc. I assume my ovaries are working okay but perhaps I should have another hormone panel. I don't take any hormones. I plan to do more research because I do feel there may be something other than just the lasik going on. I probably was sub-clinical and this brought the symptoms on like gang busters. I totally wish I had left myself alone, but alas, I know these regrets only make things worse. I guess it is a process of letting go and moving on. Hopefully I will make it there.
        I hope I will continue to heal more. Even 25% would make this so much more bareable. Maybe in time and with more treatment.
        The corneal specialist I was seeing said he has delt with many dry eye sufferers, but I don't know if he was a dry eye specialist. I will look into that too.
        Thanks so much again for your replies. It's awful any of us have to be dealing with this, but it is so nice to know you are not alone.


        • #5
          response to dry eyes from lasik

          Hi there. I had lasik three years ago and my eyes are still very dry.
          Only recently I did the following so I hope these comments would
          help you.

          Please buy Dr. Latkarny's book on Dry eyes.
          There is a rice baggy that you can buy from Dry Eye Shop and use it as hot compresses.

          You can buy protective eye wear.

          have you plugged all four ducts?

          I am trying autogolous serum drops which seem to help the stinging.

          you can continue using Restasis.

          Have you tried Theratears preservative free drops and vitamins?
          They seem quite good.

          Good luck to you


          • #6
            Hi Introverted,

            Thanks for your suggestions! I actually do have 2 awesome pairs of Panoptx and I swear by them. I learned about them here and I can't emphasize how much they help me. I love them. They get my dryness level to zero when I wear them. I do have The Dry Eye book and I read it cover to cover in one day. Wearing my day/night Panoptx of course, they are great for reading, watching tv or whenever you tend to stare. I also read towards the end of the book that dryness from Lasik can sometimes take as much as 5 years to improve. That believe it or not was very encouraging to me. If I could just get my eyes a bit better it would be so great for me.
            I am learning so much about what I can do to help me cope with this. I have hope again!

