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  • Hi

    Just thought I would introduce myself !

    I am 37 yr old male from Liverpool UK - diagnosed with Bleph after using Orthokeratology lenses (ortho k) for a year. Looking back I think I was intolerant to the Refresh lubricants that I was using (heavily). Currently I have bloodshot dry itchy eyes that get worse as each day goes on - normally resulting in a mild headache to finish off each day (lovely )

    I am using a rice baggy 2-3 times a day and scrubbing but to be honest rarely does this bring much relief. I also use preservative free (!) Systane and Thera Gel of an evening - gel seems best relief so far . . .

    I have been lurking on this forum for a while and have picked up some valuable advise so thank you!


    The magic gloop IS out there somewhere - right?

  • #2

    Round about the time my eyes went bad i was trying out ortho k lenses, coz i couldnt wear contacts anymore, But it was also the time i went on antideppresants so it could of been either that made my eyes really bad. I used to think it was the antidepressants now im thinking maybe it was the ortho k lenses. As you sleep in them and they reshape your cornea. Did you have dry eye before you used them?
    I healed my dry eye with nutrition and detoxification. I'm now a Nutritional Therapist at: Join my dry eye facebook group:


    • #3
      Hi - nope no trouble at all before I used the Ortho K - makes me feel kind of stupid when I look back ! I should have known something was wrong but thought the drops could only help right? WRONG !

      I used the Orho K for a year before gradually getting DES - you?

      The magic gloop IS out there somewhere - right?


      • #4
        Hi Ell & welcome

        Just curious, have you actually been diagnosed with dry eyes? Anything else going on (ocular allergies? rosacea maybe?)

        Also, what you are you using for your scrubs? I know baby shampoo is often prescribed and seems to work fine for many people but there are others (like me) who can't tolerate it and find it further destabilizes things. Just a thought.
        Rebecca Petris
        The Dry Eye Foundation


        • #5
          Hi - I have only had symptoms for 8 months and have seen my doctor (who suggested I needed new glasses!! ) and a 'eye specialist' who diagnosed me with Blepharitis and told me to 'use some drops' and 'wet a bit of cotton wool and rub it on my eyelids' !

          Since then I've read a lot and have been trying various types of gloop - I sometimes use baby shampoo however occasionally get some in my inflamed eye and it stings. The problem I have (I suspect like a lot of people) is that you don't really know if what you are doing is having an effect (or indeed is making the problem worse!) until weeks if not months later and by then you have forgotton how good / bad your eyes where feeling!

          Unless my new regime of scrubbing and drops (day) & gel (night) works over the next few weeks I will be looking to see a specialist in the UK.

          It's good to be able to 'talk' here on the forum to people who may not have all the answers at least understand the question!


          The magic gloop IS out there somewhere - right?


          • #6

            I am from the Uk. so happy to answer questions about things in the UK. I find drops ineffective too.

            I got contact lense intolerance first- caused by wearing contacts (when i was 17) But it was only mild dry eye and didnt bother me then it turned into bad dry eye a few years later after going on medication and maybe when trying ortho-k (which was at the same time). Contacts cause desensitisation to the corneal nerves which causes dry eye.
            I healed my dry eye with nutrition and detoxification. I'm now a Nutritional Therapist at: Join my dry eye facebook group:


            • #7
              I wouldn't pin your hopes on seeing a specilist who will fix things. They probably wont be able to tell you much other than what you already know unless it is something blatantly obvious in an examination.

              Is you eye markedly inflamed?
              I seem to have MGD and Posterior blepharitis but there is no visible sign of inflammation in either of my eyes.

              Indeed it is hard to tell if a regime works - the eye may improve on it's own then go bad again despite what you try. It would take a few weeks of rigorous regime of treatment to prove anything.

              Occupation - Optimistologist


              • #8
                Hi All,

                Thanks for the replies - the good news is my eyes do seem a little better lately, as usual though it's difficuly to conclude that the improvement is due to my new regime of scrubbing and drops or other things. Eg it's been raining for ages and the air feels quite humid so I guess this could be a factor?

                I have a general question regarding preservative free drops / gel - how long do people use each vial for after they open it up? The instructions say to discard immediately however I tend to use one vial over the course of a day (they are expensive! )


                The magic gloop IS out there somewhere - right?


                • #9
                  preservative free drops


                  I have to say I do the same thing. I keep my drops either in the fridge or if I am out and about, I keep them in a new plastic baggy. I have not had a problem with them so far. I use Theratears and Refresh Endura too which is the vehicle for Restasis. I was told by my doc that I could use one Restasis vial/day. Just put it into a cup so the opening isn't touching anything and throw it out by the end of the day. I figure it must be ok to do that with Refresh Endura too. I am not sure it is a good idea with the preservative free drops, but they are so expensive! I would think if it is kept in the fridge it should be ok, but I don't know.

                  There is Visine Pure Tear that comes in one container. It is preservative free too. It uses silver in the tip to keep out bacteria. I can't say the product is as good as Theratears. It doesn't seem as viscous as Theratears, but it can come in handy if you need a drop and don't have the little vials of drops.

                  Another thing I do is I have found I can tolerate Genteal gel in a tube not the single-use vials (also preservative free) and I will use that before I have to go into a store. If you can tolerate 5-10 minutes of blurry vision, it can come in handy. I use this before bed too.

                  Best wishes,

