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Newbie, seeking support/answers

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  • Newbie, seeking support/answers

    I'm having been having major issues with my eyes over the last 3 months. I've been been to the doctor (not optomologist) at least 5 times. It started out as pink eye, but now my eye's are dry, red, and my right eye is aching at the bottom, sorta of burning sensation and my left eye is just ichy. I'm currently waiting in line to see an optomologist, and I can't wait to go.

    Just recently I've been reading several sites saying how Aspartame is can be bad for your eyes and may provoke the symptoms such as dry, red and aching eyes? Can anyone confirm if this is true. I'm a coffee drinker and I put sweetener(Sugar Twin) in my coffee and also I drink a lot of flavoured water. It's those water drinks with a splash of fruit flavor. Anyways, I wanted to know if anyone knew if this may have contributed to my symptoms mentioned above.

    But as of today, I'm done with coffee and that flavored water stuff. Just plain water from now on.

    I just need some eye relief for once.

  • #2
    Originally posted by Jiyuu
    Just recently I've been reading several sites saying how Aspartame is can be bad for your eyes and may provoke the symptoms such as dry, red and aching eyes? Can anyone confirm if this is true.
    Hi and welcome!

    I don't have any concrete for you on this, but I recollect one member here a year or two ago that reported marked improvement after stopping all artificial sweeteners (I don't recall whethere there were other dietary changes as well). You might want to do a search on this forum on aspartame and related keywords....
    Rebecca Petris
    The Dry Eye Foundation


    • #3
      No more nutra-sweet

      I too, have made a connection between when I would use artificial sweetners (aspartame) and dry, red, achey eyes. I've stopped using it (I would drink diet soda, maybe 40 oz./day) and have found that it helps a bit. Can you post the sites where you got that info? I haven't done much research on it myself. Thanks.

