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expression x

  • dryeye123
    started a topic Multiple rounds of IPL

    Multiple rounds of IPL

    Hi all,
    I know every patient is different. However, I've been getting IPL with expression done. Had 4 sessions done with really minimal improvement. My ophthalmologist is recommending more treatments, but of course -- as you all know -- it is very expensive. Has anyone had success with multiple...
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  • alex123711
    started a topic Getting more lumps on eyelids

    Getting more lumps on eyelids

    I have been getting more and more lumps on the glands on my top right eyelid, which is the worse eye, and they can't be expressed/ won't go away. Why would this be and how can I stop it, am I not expressing enough? That eyelid has been getting a bit itchy aswell, probably from the blockages? I also...
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  • Blephasteam goggles for sale

    Not sure if i'm posting this in the right area, but I have some blephasteam goggles for sale, used only a couple of times, no longer need/ use though as my eyes don't need warm compresses. I know they have worked for some people and have good reviews on amazon so hopefully someone here is interested...
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  • Mg home expression tools.

    I've been looking for tools to do MG expression at home. I ordered a pair of those silicone tweezers and so far i've noticed a lot more gunk coming out than if i were to use my fingers or a cotton swab.

    I saw the following and was wondering if anyone has had any success with anything...
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