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Struggling with dry eyes

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  • Struggling with dry eyes


    Ive had dry eyes for about 15 or so years. Ive struggled work wise since then and have had periods where I couldnt work. I would like some advice as I am really struggling to work. My eyelids are sticking at night and during the day and what Im doing doesnt seem to be working and my eyes are really dry. They burn even when I am not looking at a computer such as at weekends. I am on the verge of quitting work because I cant look at a computer at the moment.

    Im using the following at the moment:-
    Hyloforte eye drops about 10 times a day
    Wearing 7 eye moisture goggles during the day at work and at home (but I sometimes take them off at work when Im not at the computer)
    Blephasteam twice a day morning and evening to steam my eyes and give them moisture.
    Xailin ointment at night together with eye eco night goggles which keep moving and doesnt help the sticking.
    Lutein tablets
    and I have recently started using Ikervis eye drops. But only recently.

    Thank you

  • #2
    Warm compresses 3 times a day were amazing for me. And Systane lid wipes frequently. I used and app called Blink and installed another app to adjust the computer lighting.

