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How to reduce severe and recurrent inflammation in eyes?

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  • How to reduce severe and recurrent inflammation in eyes?

    Hello everyone! I'm a young 23-year-old female with severe dry eyes. I am diagnosed with SLK (Superior limbic keratoconjunctivitis) and MDG. This all started 6 months ago in Feb. Since April, I have tried 5 IPLs, Lipiflow, restatsis, PRP drops (gave more inflammation), Plugs (increased inflammation), and multiple rounds of Lotemax and Pred Forte. However, my inflammation is still not under control. Every time I get an IPL, my eyes feel better for 2-3 weeks and then the inflammation returns - and this cycle continues even if I am using steroid drops in between. The SLK is causing a lot of rubbing and friction underneath my eyelid, which irritates and further inflames my eyes. I suspect the inflammation is a result of my severe SLK.

    Does anyone have any advice for me? How do I reduce inflammation once and for all in my eyes?
    Last edited by Carol_29; 22-Aug-2021, 12:15.

  • #2
    Anyone heard of AZR-MD-001 for MGD? Thoughts?


    • #3
      Yes , I hope it Will be sell in Europe


      • #4
        I am sorry, I do not have any advice, just empathy with your discomfort!

        Having had my own eye crisis 5 years ago (narrow angle closing, then lens replacement, then RCES, and discovering 2 different corneal distrophies), I understand the urgency of wanting answers. Mine came after time, and for now, things are stable.

        Hang in there, you are not alone here!

