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menthol x

  • Loldo
    started a topic Dry eyes from latex allergy..??

    Dry eyes from latex allergy..??

    I have had dry eye troubles for around a month, and believe it originated with an allergic reaction... here is how it happened and also some recent developments and ideas...

    I thouhgt inmitally I was allergic to something in an apartment. I was not staying in the apartment, it was my...
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  • HELP!! Dry eyes at 24 and needing help!

    I have had trouble with dry eyes for around 4 months now. I believe it began with an allergic/irritation reaction to an apartment I used to stay in from time to time. To begin with I would get sore, dry eyes after a few hours in the apartment, which would get back to normal gradually over 2 days of...
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