Hi everyone,
I've found this forum in my efforts to relieve some of the symptoms of dry eye after my LASIK surgery in Sept 2013 (now March 2014). Prior to LASIK, I would occasionally get some dry eyes at night, but would only be once a month or something and it was never painful, but...
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Dry eyes at when I lay down/at night - LASIK causing eye aches/ head aches
mystery eye pain for years
Hi, I'm completely new here so this is a bit of an introductory post.
I'm 22 and have been dealing with eye pain on and off for years. It all started when I was about 18, and at that point I had worn acuvue oasys contacts for about 3 years. Being both young and new to wearing contacts, I can...
Pinching Pain in eyes on corners especially due to dryness
I am experiensing some pain especially towards corners of eye due to dryness even after putting all kind of reduce dryness drops.
Actually i am being feared since i splashed some water from my aquaguard water purifier in eyes after the technician had installed new...
My eyes are hurting bad, why?
I just posted a couple of days ago about how well I have been doing. I am three months post Lasik. Today around 9:00, after being on the computer for about 20 minutes or so, I suddenly got this bad ache in both of my eyes. It's like my eyes had a headache. It was very painful. It lasted all morning,...