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My story and question

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  • My story and question

    First, I want to say that I love the forum and enjoy reading everything. Okay, to begin, I'll try and give a brief background and my experience with dry eye.

    It started around six months ago. I was playing a video game called World of Warcraft, and I got a headache which subsided when I got off the game. I just thought it was strain (which it probably was). I later played the video game, and it seemed as though each time I did, my eyes gradually hurt faster. One night, I played it for around 30 minutes, and I got a HUGE headache and my eyes were killing me. The next morning I felt fine until I got on the computer. My eyes began immediately hurting me again. I thought it was a form of CVS (Computer vision syndrome). I went to the doctor and he said I have dry eyes and said one eye produces 20% of the tears they expect it to produce, and the other produces 40%, so he put me on lotamax and later on restasis (I got off lotamax). The two worked GREAT! I couldn't believe the difference until one day (christmas eve), they began hurting again! They hurt worse then before and the doctor did a test and said one produces 10% of what it should and I think the other eye was the same. The doctor is going to put plugs in to see if that helps.

    I can't play video games or watch tv because my eyes get to hurting me too badly (feel worn out and dry). I was wondering if there is some type of eye-wear that helps my dry eye while playing video games or tv. I know it's dry eye that causes the pain because when I took the dry eye meds, it helps my symptoms extremely well!