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IPL is working

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  • IPL is working

    I have not been looking at the Dry Eye Zone much these past couple of months, and the main reason for that is that dry eyes have not been dominating our lives to the same extent as they had been for most of the previous 4 years.

    Instead in this period we have watched more hours of TV than we had watched on the previous 2 years. In that last 4 weeks we have binge watched the entire 6 seasons of Breaking Bad including spending 7 hours watching the final season in one sitting. And my wife was still able to function the next day.

    She is also using the computer again (an awful lot) and her use of OTC drops has fallen away dramatically. In fact, the last time she had an eight hour shift at her work (library) she said she didn’t put any drops in at all. (In the past she was dropping every 30 minutes).

    She is not cured, certainly. She still has bad days, especially when the humidity is low outside and she still cannot tolerate wind. She still cannot drive and sitting in a car, whilst improved, still poses a challenge. She still has feelings of grittiness and pain but this is now after effectively “abusing her eyes” doing things she has not been able to do for most of the past few years.

    She is much improved. She usually says she feels about 30% better but from my point of view the improvement seems more dramatic.
    What has caused this improvement? In the past year she has undergone 8 IPL treatments and, as this is really the only difference in her treatment, we can only conclude that IPL is working.
    IPL is not a cure, it only teats the symptoms of MGD and Kathy will have to have continuous “maintenance” treatments to keep her where she is – for her, that will be every 3 months, or so it seems at present.

    And we have not given up on other treatments. In fact Kathy is about to start with autologous serum eye drops, and she is also very keen to try AMX (or whatever it is called now) as soon as it becomes available. But at least with IPL, life seems a lot better that it was before.

  • #2
    Originally posted by neilw View Post
    and she is also very keen to try AMX

    Thank you for sharing. What is AMX?
    32/M ATD • Getting better every day!


    • #3
      AMX stands for amniotic membrane extract - this is being developed in Italy by Dr Ghinelli. But I understand it has been renamed to HAMT-EU. Here is a link to a thread about it


      • #4
        I just had my 3rd ipl treatment and am encouraged by your story


        • #5
          Hey Neil,

          Good to hear this. My doctor offers this but my insurance doesn't cover it, so I will have to pay out-of-pocket. I have been trying to find out if anyone has had any results from it. I have been willing to try but there isn't much in the way of feedback. Please do keep us updated! Ritaann, you too!

          Is it painful or are there side effects (ex: eyes are red, sore, a few days afterward, anything like that?)?


          • #6
            I had 4 ipl treatments and having 5th one on Sept 25th and do feel better but I am also using claridex wipes which I feel is helping also. Haven't been told I have demodex mites but find the wipes are helping too will keep you posted


            • #7
              Ub comfortable but not too painful. Has anyone experienced any euelash oss with ipl


              • #8
                That's good to hear that there is no serious pain. I'm a little scared of the treatments where you have to go through a course of steroids days after (probing, for example). One thing I'm curious about is the overall affect on eyelid skin.


                • #9
                  I have some eyelash loss on right eye but not sure what caused it possibly from demodex mites even though I wasn't told I have them but was given a sample box of claridex which Iam using I was not given a 5th ipl treatment last week but am seeing eye doctor in a month to see if I need another ipl treatment


                  • #10
                    Thanks Ritaan. Keep us updated. Sometimes when I have had an case of itchy eyes due to allergies, I lose a clump (about 5-6) lashes. Or, I might go through a phase where I rub and pull out quite a few (kind of like when a cat sheds!) They always grow back, though. I am sure yours will.


                    • #11
                      I have read that demodex mites can cause eyelash and hair loss


                      • #12
                        I read that demodex mites can cause eyelash loss. My eyelashes look like they were chopped off


                        • #13
                          Does anyone have any more info on ipl treatment. I had 4 so far


                          • #14
                            I am having 5th ipl treatment on October 24th and hope it helps


                            • #15
                              I'm interested in IPL but I've read some horror stories about eyes being permanently damaged due to improper shielding from the laser pulse. Regardless I'm really glad to hear she's doing better. I went through the same thing when i started improving, just to be able to watch tv again made me feel like the luckiest person on earth.

