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blepharitis and tranquileyes

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  • blepharitis and tranquileyes

    I love that there is a place where you can relate to other people who have dry eye. For me it started when i was around 13 (im 26 now). I had acne and tried accutane, this didnt help and i stoped after 2 weeks.

    I have tried a lot of drops, dwelle was the best for me. (but i still had to stay away from the outdoors, wiley x moister chambers where a life saver). Recently i went to a dry eye specialist in Holland. She diagnost that i had blepharitis. She told me to use tranquileyes with blue gel beans. She also told me to use vita-pos every night.

    I have been using this regime for about two and a half weeks, and i have mixed results second week was great (its awesome to be able to display the confidence that i have inside me!!!), then i overcooked the beans which caused them to explode. I got new ones the next day. (so i had one off day). This week sucks i have been using it religiously the last five days and it still feels ****.

    I have a couple of questions for people who also used tranquileyes for a longer time and have blepharitis, did you notice a lot of improvement later on? where you able to walk outside without moister chambers without an annoying feeling of the eyes?

    the worst thing about this condition for me personally is that i cant communicate as confidently as i want to. But i think its important to always try to be positive, to find a solution and never to give up.

  • #2

    From one dutchman to another. Not very many europeans here,but still there are quite a few.
    Sorry to see you are experiencing such difficulties with your dry eye issues,but welcome anyway!
    This community is the best you'll ever find if you're looking for information,support and some understanding of people who can really understand what eye pain can do to a person.
    May i ask which opthalmologist has diagnosed you and is currently treating you?

    Best regards,patrick...


    • #3
      Thanks for the welcome, Mirjam van Tilborg from colpa in Boskoop. I think she is one of my best chances right now to get this under control.

      Interesting to see another Dutchman with this problem, sometimes it feels like i am the only one with this problem here.


      • #4
        The heat therapy is good and I would also make sure the lid margins get a thorough cleaning each day.


        • #5
          Hi again,

          She sure is your best chance to beat this horrible condition.
          I've been visiting her for the past few years and she is by far the most knowledgeable dry eye doctor i personally met.
          I think we're lucky to have her in the netherlands because all other opthalmologists i previously met were to say at least not very good at all. Exept for the one i saw i paris. He is very reputable,but travelling to paris on a regular basis for check ups is not very economical considering i drive a gas guzzling prehistoric v8 propelled car. And i don't do trains. I hate public transportation.
          What are tranquileyes with blue gel beans? Is that for heat treatment? I just use a rice baggy that i put in my microwave for two minutes and this works just fine for me. I do the rice baggy once per day for approximately 10mns.
          As indrep says it is also vey important to daily give the lid margins a good thorough cleaning. This is for keeping the bacterial load on the margins to a minimum.
          I can relate to what you say about feeling alone with this. This condition seems so ultra rare here. For instance,my mgd is probably caused by lasek refractive surgery and i know many people in my environment who underwent the same procedure and really nobody knows what the heck i am talking about when i mention the constant pain i am suffering. I guess i was the unlucky 1% of the people that turned out to be the perfect candidate to do NOT have this procedure done....


          • #6
            Originally posted by patrick View Post
            Hi again,

            She sure is your best chance to beat this horrible condition.
            I've been visiting her for the past few years and she is by far the most knowledgeable dry eye doctor i personally met.
            I think we're lucky to have her in the netherlands because all other opthalmologists i previously met were to say at least not very good at all. Exept for the one i saw i paris. He is very reputable,but travelling to paris on a regular basis for check ups is not very economical considering i drive a gas guzzling prehistoric v8 propelled car. And i don't do trains. I hate public transportation.
            What are tranquileyes with blue gel beans? Is that for heat treatment? I just use a rice baggy that i put in my microwave for two minutes and this works just fine for me. I do the rice baggy once per day for approximately 10mns.
            As indrep says it is also vey important to daily give the lid margins a good thorough cleaning. This is for keeping the bacterial load on the margins to a minimum.
            I can relate to what you say about feeling alone with this. This condition seems so ultra rare here. For instance,my mgd is probably caused by lasek refractive surgery and i know many people in my environment who underwent the same procedure and really nobody knows what the heck i am talking about when i mention the constant pain i am suffering. I guess i was the unlucky 1% of the people that turned out to be the perfect candidate to do NOT have this procedure done....
            Interresting to see that you also know her/visited her. Do you have it under control?? can you walk outside without moister chambers for example?

            these are the gel beans: (its indeed the heat treatment)

            I also tried the rice baggy but i have better results with the tranquileyes, i use two gel beans in each container, this gives me the best result, i use it also for 10 minutes, after that i squeeze my lid margins.

            im gonna give cleaning the lid margins daily a try!

            what i currently do is:
            - each morning i start with a warm compress using tranquileyes and four blue gel packs. ( during these ten minutes i press against the goggles, to get more heat).
            - use the wiley-x moister chambers when im outside
            - when i go to sleep i will do the warm compress again, but before i do i insert the vita-pos gel in my eye, after ten minutes i take them out. And go to sleep with empty tranquileyes.

            i will add cleaning the lid margins, each morning and evening.


            • #7
              My mgd is for the most part under control.
              When i first went to mirjam she immediately saw that i had mgd and that it was quite severe to.
              Most of my gland orifices were blocked and my lid margins were irregular and just looked overall unhealthy.
              My tbut at that time was about 2 to 3 seconds.
              This was 3 years after i had the lasek refractive procedure done.
              Shortly before i went to mirjam i had seen several opthalmologists at different hospitals and none of them were able to diagnose me with the mgd that was clearly going on already for quite some time at that moment.
              Mirjam put me on roughly the same regimen as you,but in addition to the heat treatment,drops,lid massage and ointments i also had to clean my lid margins twice per day with blephasol.
              However,i never had much succes with all this. My tbut did not raise very much and i never felt a significant improvement in symptoms.
              This was until i started last october with an anti biotic called doxycycline. After i started the course i went after a month for a check up and this was the first time my tbut had raised significantly. It was somewhere between 10 and 15 seconds.
              I hope soon my symptoms will improve to,because despite things have improved greatly i still have lots of pain. Can't really understand how this is possible. Maybe to some extend there is a thing called neuropathy going on. Not sure about that yet. I have to go find that out in the near future.
              I hope for you the regimen is going to be succesfull and that your symptoms will improve soon.
              Please keep us updated here on the boards...


              • #8
                Hai hai, leuk nog twee nederlanders en ook bij Mirjam in behandeling voor mgd / blefaritis (niet zo leuk). Ik kreeg in mei dit jaar droge ogen klachten die steeds erger werden en ben sinds half augustus bij Mirjam in behandeling. Het gaat sindsdien langzamerhand steeds iets beter maar ik ben er nog niet. Ik gebruik 2 keer per dag de eyebag en masseer daarna mn oogleden. s nachts vitapos zalf, overdag theratears druppels en hylo comod. En in de ochtend supranettes om mn oogleden schoon te maken. Engels lezen is geen probleem maar schrijven is een andere zaak, daarom dit berichtje in het nederlands . groetjes marjolein.

                Sorry for reaction in dutch, writing in english is not that easy for me. shall try to translate this evening .


                • #9
                  Hoi marjolein,

                  Alweer een nederlander er bij! Leuk zou ik het niet willen noemen,want de aanleiding is natuurlijk wel een beetje triest.
                  Toch is het goed te weten dat er meer mensen met dezelfde problemen hier in nederland zijn. (En velen hebben een connectie met mirjam valt mij op). Heel vaak voel je je met droge ogen problemen bij anderen nogal onbegrepen vind ik. Het is prettig met lotgenoten te kunnen communiceren.
                  Weet jij ook waar je mgd door veroorzaakt kan zijn? Bij mij is het contactlens gebruik en een laserbehandeling. (Waarschijnlijk) niemand is er echt zeker van.

                  Vriendelijke groet,patrick...


                  • #10
                    Hai Patrick,
                    Nee je hebt helemaal gelijk dat de aanleiding niet leuk is. Heb tussen haakjes ook staan niet zo leuk.
                    Bedoelde dat ik het prettig vind om landgenoten op dit forum te spreken.
                    Mijn mgd wordt wsl veroorzaakt door hormonen/menopauze (denk ik).
                    Groetjes Marjolein.

                    Ps: Bdejong, waar heb jij je wiley x moisture chambers gekocht? Ben nl ook op zoek naar afsluitende zonnebril van wiley x maar wil hem graag passen wat bij bestelling vanuit de dry eye shop niet kan.
                    Last edited by marjolein; 15-Dec-2012, 07:06. Reason: additional question


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by marjolein View Post
                      Hai Patrick,
                      Nee je hebt helemaal gelijk dat de aanleiding niet leuk is. Heb tussen haakjes ook staan niet zo leuk.
                      Bedoelde dat ik het prettig vind om landgenoten op dit forum te spreken.
                      Mijn mgd wordt wsl veroorzaakt door hormonen/menopauze (denk ik).
                      Groetjes Marjolein.

                      Ps: Bdejong, waar heb jij je wiley x moisture chambers gekocht? Ben nl ook op zoek naar afsluitende zonnebril van wiley x maar wil hem graag passen wat bij bestelling vanuit de dry eye shop niet kan.
                      Ik heb de bril volgens mij via dry eye shop gekocht (is alweer tijdje geleden), het is vervelend dat je niet kan passen idd, maar ik ben zo blij dat ik deze besteld heb. Mensen vinden het misschien raar, maar mijn ogen zijn comfortabel wanneer ik buitenloop, dat vind ik erg belangrijk.

                      Ik heb nu wiley x moister chambers die niet op sterkte zijn. Ik heb deze eigenlijk wel nodig, maar dat vind ik nog te prijzig voor nu.

                      Ik moet wel zeggen dat ik al verschil begin te merken, voordat ik mirjam bezocht had (2 maanden geleden), was het zo vervelend dat ik na 5 minuten achter de computer al pijnlijke ogen had. Dit is nu een stuk minder, wanneer ik me goed aan het regime houdt. Als programmeur is het toch handig als je een computerscherm kan verdragen.


                      • #12
                        Sinds 3 dagen gebruik ik manuka honing 6+ , en wow mijn ogen zijn nog nooit zo goed geweest !!!! kheb zelfs buiten gefietst in de wind zonder bril (met maar klein beetje iritatie, voorheen onmogelijk) :O, als je er nog last van heb dan zou ik het zeker proberen


                        • #13
                          Wat doe je met de manuka honing ? Op je oogleden smeren ?
                          En is dat niet kleverig?
                          Waar heb je de honing gekocht?

                          Fijn dat t zo goed gaat!

                          Ik ga maandag naar de vu voor sclerale lenzen. Kon mijn harde lenzen niet meer verdragen. Linkeroog accepteert ook zachte silicone hydrogel lens niet .
                          Last edited by marjolein; 09-Jan-2013, 13:17. Reason: lens toegevoegd


                          • #14
                            Ik smeer het elke ochtend en avond op me oogleden inderdaad, het is wel een beetje kleverig, maar dat heb ik er voor over, het gevoel in me ogen dat ik dan krijg is top Ben benieuwd hoe de sclerale lenzen bevallen!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by marjolein View Post
                              Wat doe je met de manuka honing ? Op je oogleden smeren ?
                              En is dat niet kleverig?
                              Waar heb je de honing gekocht?

                              Fijn dat t zo goed gaat!

                              Ik ga maandag naar de vu voor sclerale lenzen. Kon mijn harde lenzen niet meer verdragen. Linkeroog accepteert ook zachte silicone hydrogel lens niet .
                              Hallo marjolein,

                              Lees net dit wat oudere bericht terug,maar ik ben eigenlijk wel benieuwd hoe je ervaringen zijn met de sclerale lenzen.
                              Kun je er inmiddels iets meer over vertellen?


