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  • Intro

    Hello everyone,

    I am so delighted that I have been given the chance to be a part of this wonderful community of dry eye sufferers where we all share our experiences and hardship, hoping that our advice and stories can help one another. I have severe dry eye disease with keratitis with badly marked up blepharitis, often linked with blepharoconjuctivitis which I get too. I am a patient undergoing severe pain and distress and want to be cured or at least treated. This is very tough with the innumerable problems that people come in with at hospitals and therefore a perfect treatment plan is never available. I hope to share my thoughts and feelings, alongside with my journey and experiences, hoping to cure my own eyes and help other people cure theirs from awareness and personal experiences. I am only 17 years of age and it’s very difficult to live a normal daily life with tons of restrictions due to the severity of my eye condition. At such a young age, you often lose motivation and I need to join this society to get the motivation and support and also to give motivation and support.

    You have to sow before you can reap. You have to give before you can get. ~ Robert Collier
    I have become a strong believer of this quote over the years as it underpins our problems and difficulties in life.

    I am currently on the medication: Hyloforte eye drops for severe lubrication of the eyes and just finished my course of maxitrol ointment.

  • #2
    Welcome! Hyloforte worked for me and gave me some relief from the extreme pain I was getting when I first got my diagnosis, just remember not to overdo it! Wow 17 is very young, i'm sorry you're going through this at an age where you should be carefree and having fun, I hope you get the right treatment and manage to get to a point where your eye troubles don't affect your daily life too much. I'm not sure if your doctor told you to take omega 3, but if they didn't then I am! omega 3 decreases inflammation from dry eye and can contribute to helping the problem alone with everything else you're doing What are you currently doing at home? Any compresses, lid scrubs, eye washes, humidifier etc? Im glad we can all help eachother on this horrible battle against eye pain!


    • #3
      Originally posted by lilypaduk View Post
      Welcome! Hyloforte worked for me and gave me some relief from the extreme pain I was getting when I first got my diagnosis, just remember not to overdo it! Wow 17 is very young, i'm sorry you're going through this at an age where you should be carefree and having fun, I hope you get the right treatment and manage to get to a point where your eye troubles don't affect your daily life too much. I'm not sure if your doctor told you to take omega 3, but if they didn't then I am! omega 3 decreases inflammation from dry eye and can contribute to helping the problem alone with everything else you're doing What are you currently doing at home? Any compresses, lid scrubs, eye washes, humidifier etc? Im glad we can all help eachother on this horrible battle against eye pain!
      Thank you. I use Hyloforte and it's like the same - just feels good as it is not extremely thick like Celluvisc 1% but not as rubbish at Celluvisc 0.5%. How many times do you use it a day? I use it a few times, 4 times at maximum. Thank you, I've had blepharitis since like 11 years of age or something and had dry eyes at 13 or something. But this is all aggravated by my 10 hours of electronic device use a day, even though if I stop it won't cure it, this definitely worsens it - but I'm in denial ATM. The worst is when I go out it just kills my eyes totally and this is the only problem with my eye and I have been trying to explain this to my doctors . My doctors tell me to do warm compress and that's it. I don't know what's wrong with them they just don't listen to me. I use eye drops, warm compresses and lid scrubs and perform lid massage. I am going to get dry eye glasses - these will treat me forever as my problem only is really when I go outside then I'm finished - I'm really suffering badly so badly I swear. I'm also happy we can help each other and hopefully as we assist helping others get cured, one day God will cure us!


      • #4
        Hi Chittesh

        Great that you know more than doctors!! Wise to find another dr who at least examines your glands for the function - so you can tackle the issue more effectively.

        Effective Lid cleanser with (pure) Hypochlorous Acid - really amazing
        like Avenova - many and more doctors recommend it, or Heyedrate Lid & Lash Cleanser...both from USA
        I could not get them but found the alternative, NatraSan/made in UK, helps me greatly.
        Maybe you could do a bit research and learn WHY - curious??

        20-20-20 blinking exercise by Dr Korb: might help you.

        Omega 3, omega 6/GLA are also helpful for MGD.
        Last edited by MGD1701; 17-Oct-2017, 02:04.


        • #5
          Hi Chittesh . I've been using hylo forte and have punctual lower plugs but seems the hylo is in effective. Any better products for acqueos defficient dry eye


          • #6
            Originally posted by MGD1701 View Post
            Hi Chittesh

            Great that you know more than doctors!! Wise to find another dr who at least examines your glands for the function - so you can tackle the issue more effectively.

            Effective Lid cleanser with (pure) Hypochlorous Acid - really amazing
            like Avenova - many and more doctors recommend it, or Heyedrate Lid & Lash Cleanser...both from USA
            I could not get them but found the alternative, NatraSan/made in UK, helps me greatly.
            Maybe you could do a bit research and learn WHY - curious??

            20-20-20 blinking exercise by Dr Korb: might help you.

            Omega 3, omega 6/GLA are also helpful for MGD.

            Sorry for the late reply - I just forget to reply once I read these posts lol.
            Yes, I will definitely raise up this issue and get my glands checked in my next appointment to see what the hell is going on!

            Thank you for the great advice and suggestions, I am definitely going to try out and research the UK products and hopefully they work. I will definitely research as that is the key to success.

            I will try out these blinking exercises and be more consistent with my treatment as I am highly careless and am addicted to sources which make my dry eyes worse as I am on the computer for 3-4 hours in a row and on electronics around 10 hours a day which is horrendous and is worsening my dry eye symptoms so I need to really sort my life out as it is me who is ruining it tbh. I can't control the blepharitis, but I can help the dryness by reducing continuous exposure or taking breaks - my parents are really upset and it's always me who's ruining my life tbh so I need to take some serious action now.

            I am currently taking Omega 3 supplements, not sure if they help lol - I'll tryo ut Omega 6/GLA in a few weeks time if Omega 3 still doesn't have any effects.

            Thank you for the advice and support .


            • #7
              Originally posted by Claddagh View Post
              Hi Chittesh . I've been using hylo forte and have punctual lower plugs but seems the hylo is in effective. Any better products for acqueos defficient dry eye

              Sorry for the late reply. I've also been using Hyloforte and it's seems to be helping a bit - not even sure to be honest lol. I think just keep doing the warm compresses and everything and just try living life with no stress and have a lot of sleep - these two things help a lot. The more I stress, the worse my symptoms are - this can take over your life and put you in a very bad place. The key is also to pray to God. God will guide you to happiness and is the key to recovery.


              • #8
                Hi C ok thanks for that C.I am suffering from a lot of anxiety and depression since I got dry eye 8 months ago. I can not sleep since either due to dry eye or the anxiety and that makes my eyes worse. Also prayer was not working and I began to loose faith. Sometimes it is hard to pray when you have anxiety or pain from dry eye and no treatment seems to work. The anxiety has ruined my life


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Claddagh View Post
                  Hi C ok thanks for that C.I am suffering from a lot of anxiety and depression since I got dry eye 8 months ago. I can not sleep since either due to dry eye or the anxiety and that makes my eyes worse. Also prayer was not working and I began to loose faith. Sometimes it is hard to pray when you have anxiety or pain from dry eye and no treatment seems to work. The anxiety has ruined my life
                  Hello Claddagh,

                  Yes, to be honest - everything gets worse before it gets better - that's just how life is.
                  I believe in faith and prayer and it takes time. Recovery is never instant, sometimes it can take years - but you need grit and determination. Once you lose faith, you get more depressed and anxious and it takes over your life as you are saying it does - this is bad signs as then you just get bad thoughts and live like a psycho. No one deserves to live this way, therefore faith is important. Don't pray in the sense that you will recover, pray for happiness and good life and then you will be happy and not remember these eye problems and one day you will be cured.

                  To be honest, I pray and it makes me feel happy so I am very pleased - this reduces my symptoms as my mind goes off these problems. I understand as I've got severe dry eye disease with keratitis and trust me when I say that's bad. Prayer is the key to recovery and imo without prayer your life won't be the same way. Keep your mind active and positive.

                  Just read into this article tbh, people suffer way more than we do and we should just be happy that we are not suffering as much as them.
                  Thank God only my eyes are bad and my other body parts are safe and sound and intact. One day my eyes will be cured too.


                  • #10
                    Thanks Chittesh for your reply. How many hours of sleep do you get a night


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Claddagh View Post
                      Thanks Chittesh for your reply. How many hours of sleep do you get a night
                      No worries Claddagh. Depends, as I said I'm an idiot.
                      I love sleeping and I'm a lazy bastard, but at the same time I'm almost on electronics 10 hours a day and too addicted. On school days I get about 6-7 hours of sleep only as I'm always sleeping so late and on holidays I just sleep as much as I can so around 12+ hours a day (lol ik this sounds so weird but it just shows how much of a retard I am).
                      Currently, I'm trying to balance it out as 9 hours of sleep everyday in the holiday (half term) and probably 8-9 hours once I get back to school. I'm training to get off electronics and get rid of my addiction hoping that my symptoms will reduce dramatically.


                      • #12
                        Do you not get dry eye pain that ever keeps you awake or wakes you up in the night or is your pain more during the day


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Claddagh View Post
                          Do you not get dry eye pain that ever keeps you awake or wakes you up in the night or is your pain more during the day
                          My pain is throughout the day, it varies - when I go outside, it's killer and when I'm at home, it's at a mild level (sometimes quite bad though).
                          As I said earlier, I am a heavy heavy sleeper and once I sleep - I will never wake up at night lol no chance despite the pain. I will just wake up with tons of pain in the morning/afternoon mostly afternoon as I sleep so much lol.

                          Usually, I wake up with tons of pain because my eyelids are stuck as always badly.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by MGD1701 View Post
                            Hi Chittesh

                            Great that you know more than doctors!! Wise to find another dr who at least examines your glands for the function - so you can tackle the issue more effectively.

                            Effective Lid cleanser with (pure) Hypochlorous Acid - really amazing
                            like Avenova - many and more doctors recommend it, or Heyedrate Lid & Lash Cleanser...both from USA
                            I could not get them but found the alternative, NatraSan/made in UK, helps me greatly.
                            Maybe you could do a bit research and learn WHY - curious??

                            20-20-20 blinking exercise by Dr Korb: might help you.

                            Omega 3, omega 6/GLA are also helpful for MGD.
                            Hey, I am also from the UK and has purchased NatraSan. It's in the green first aid bottle, right? Is that safe to use on eyelids? It's like 0.2% and some of the products made esp. for eye are only 0.15%?


                            • #15
                              Yes, NatraSan spray helps me.
                              In fact, I found 3 alternatives but only NatraSan works - I believe 'pure' HOCI makes the difference.
                              Any queries, please consult/contact the company direct.
                              There are many articles/videos explaining why it works.
                              Seems you got the incorrect %.
                              Aveonva 0.01%, OCuSOFT HypoChlor 0.02% (+ some 10 other stuff?? if I remember correctly.)
                              Hope it will help you too.
                              Last edited by MGD1701; 09-May-2018, 04:05.

