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  • Hello!

    Female 55 here, I have started having dry eyes at 45. My father had dry eyes. For many years, I was able to get away with just using refresh free drops. But my eyes have been getting dryer and dryer and of course redder and redder, with those ugly red veins. So I started using genteel Gel a few months ago, slight burn upon putting them in. But much relief afterwards, with no drag feeling.
    But my eyes are still veiny and dry, unless i use gel/drops once every few hours.
    So I tried Systane free ointment, and wow, no burn at all just slick feeling comfort. Messy and greasy yes, but I use them in the evening and figure its good for the skin around the eyes too.
    Next I ordered some Boch and Lombs fee ointment to try. Anyone have a preference?
    Thanks for listening……