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New member post LASIK dryness and ocular Rosacea a very difficult time

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  • New member post LASIK dryness and ocular Rosacea a very difficult time

    I would like to join your eye forum more for support and advice. I am
    from Christchurch New Zealand
    Four years ago I had LASIK for my severe short sightedness as I
    couldn't wear curved cycle glasses and wanted to up my cycle racing.
    My life within days of the surgery has been a nightmare. I have got a
    skin condition called acne Rosacea and did not know at the time this
    would be the worst condition to have LASIK with. I had had no history
    of dry eye prior. The consent process did not ask if I had any conditions like Rosacea prior.
    My surgeon has been very difficult to deal with and told me my
    symptoms were all in my head because my eyes looked moist. It took
    multiple visits to different eye specialists for them to realise
    something was wrong.
    They now feel I have abhorrent corneal nerve regeneration yet my
    cornea looks normal. Everyone tells me my cornea looks normal On a
    schirmer test the litmus stuck to my inner eyelid I was so dry ( to
    this day I don't know why this was not done pre surgery to rule me out
    of surgery) Since surgery I have fluctuating vision 6/12 [1] at best
    and comes and goes with blinking I have decreased tears especially the
    left. I have two fully occluded punctual plugs on the left. The right
    eye has one plug fully occluded..the top punctum we couldn't fit one
    in due to inflammation last visit to The surgeon. The plugs irritate
    the left eye with movement especially as the moisture is down.
    The tears pool then evaporate. When they pool they sting The
    discomfort is severe at times and feels on the eye surface. It's worse
    when I try and read or use the ipad/ computer.
    I am photophobic.
    They react badly to air conditioning in buildings, at home or car. I
    have a heat pump which we can no longer use. Work is hugely
    challenging now. I am having to reduce my hours which is distressing
    and financially difficult...ACC are investigating further now and I
    may well not get funding. I await their decision.
    In the mean time my every waking hour seems spent focused on these
    damn eyes. I would rather be spending that time happily with my
    gorgeous family and friends. I recap all the things I have tried, what
    have I missed. What can be done.
    I use artificial tears constantly throughout the day, polyvisc at
    night and refresh lube now during the day. The effect only lasts
    minutes but does give me relief for a minute.
    The warm compressors again are short lived yet I continue.
    I drink heaps of water and take omega and flaxseed oil plus,starflower
    oil or borage oil for inflammatory properties I have tried
    doxycycline...but get thrush though this did give me relief until I
    got repeated thrush so had to stop. azithromycin drops made my eyes
    sting. Autologous serum eye drops were ineffective. Corticosteroids
    are also short term relief.
    The pain specialist put me on gabapentin 200mg and Clonidine. I
    thought this helped but it seemed to work for such a short time. When
    I was put on it I had periods of good and bad weeks with my eyes. What
    seems to have happened the last 6-8 months is that I am more
    menopausal and everything is more dryer. My Gp feels even at that low
    dose I would not of been getting any effect for pain. The days I felt
    good post starting gabapentin she feels are not likely to be because
    of the gabapentin, Clonidine. She got me to up the dose to 400mg which
    I did and felt dreadful, not sharp at all and brain foggy, drugged.
    The eye symptoms remain no worse no better. My Gp feels I should stop
    the analgesia In summary I think everything has got worse since my
    body began its menopause. I don't think all these pain meds are
    helping. My left eye is the worse. What I have found is that when I
    eat spicy or food with heat or my body is warm from exercise the
    symptoms reduce. This is just my thoughts but I believe this is
    because the oils are mobilised with this heat and mix with my tears
    giving temporary relief.
    The pressure that this is putting on me and my family is unbelievable.
    I could deal with pain from cancer or a limb cut off better than this.
    Please don't underestimate how debilitating this is. And I am sure I
    am not alone, however as there is no one you know of to put me in
    contact with with the same problem it is a very lonely place to be. My
    surgeon tells me there is no one with this problem in New Zealand. I
    have to believe it's not just a problem in the states.
    I saw a dry eye specialist two days ago and asked him to start me on
    Cychlosporin or Restasis and have commenced a two month trial. I would
    like to know what other people from DryEye Zone think.
    Kind regards

  • #2
    Stella, want to let you know you are not alone and good to talk it out here. I know your feeling as I am a post lasik sufferer too. I have used Restasis for coming to 1.5 years, it has helped me and truly hope you will get good result from the medicine.


    • #3
      Thank you tea leaf for many times a day do you take Restasis and what other treatments have you found helpful?
      For the first few days using it I found great relief and was quite excited. Now I find it stings and I still need to top up with lube and eye drops. I ordered some of the moisture retention glasses online here in hope they may help as I have a weeks holiday in Samoa with my partner in August.



      • #4
        Your post moved me, I relate to all.most everything you've written. There are times I've wished for anything but this then felt
        Guilty afterwars! For Instance I once saw a television documentary on a an emergency ward and they brought a man in with
        A broken leg,and I though .."I wish I had that in place of my dry eye....that could be fixed, doctors take that seriously, with that you get physo and have actual time frame to recover."
        It's a bit off topic but
        I just wanted to ask if you've looked into IPL treatments for your eyes? I've heard they can help with skin conditions that effect
        The eyes, and even more effective if you have mgd too. I'm looking I to trying it later this year too.
        People have recovered, so can we.


        • #5
          Thankyou for your message,
          Yes I have tried IPL. Not successful for me I had thre courses.
          I am currently trying blephasteam goggles.
          What else do you do? How has it affected your dally life?
          I am in New Zealand where are you from

