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Hello and looking for thoughts.

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  • Hello and looking for thoughts.


    I have already learned a lot reading here and thought I’d say thanks and look for any other info. My situation is as follows.

    32 yr. old male, occasional seasonal allergies that an Allegra takes out. I do work on a computer all day. Started wearing soft contacts back in 6th grade! Heavy prescription, -6.5 each eye with astigmatism in right eye. As I look back I probably have over warn them all my life. Recent annual physical with normal blood work tests normal. Only known issues are Tinitus in ears and slightly deviated right septum (ENT guy says leave alone). No medications taken.

    Jump to the present, in August 2006 I was diagnosed with Central Serous Retinopathy (retinal separation) in my left eye I noticed due to a gray spot in central vision. Around this time I also was noticing some pain, minor strain, tingling feeling if you will above my right eye (Not the CSR eye). Once diagnosed, I said this makes sense, my right eye has been over compensating and hence the soreness.

    Well, here we are today, CSR has pretty much cleared up, I.E. no fluid left, a little distortion remains and the retina specialist says it may always due to markers left behind on Retina.

    But still have the on again off again pain/strain above right eye. Sometimes tingles like pins and needles into cheek bone a bit but not often. Sometimes I have good days other days not so much. It does seem to be aggravated by computer or TV/reading but sometimes I can’t find a cause, it’s just there.

    Well anyways, I was tired of this and ask my retina specialist who says, sounds like dry eye and gives me Systane (sounded odd, but what the heck). Coincidentally on the same day I go to Pearle for a new pair of glasses. I tell the Optometrist and she does a tear film break up test with dye. I get 2 secs on right eye (Eyebrow pain one) and 5 secs in left eye.

    She says no more contacts and use Systane every hour for at least 30 days. Well long story short, we are about 2 weeks in, drops do seem to help the pain/numbness/strain feeling (hard to exactly describe) but still coming and going. I have only done a couple warm compresses with rice bags (thanks) and that seems to provide some relief. They get very dry at night, refresh, genteal gel, and systane experimentation going on right now seems to help.

    Anyway I made appointment with Ophthalmologist in another week. Not the retina specialist but a regular one. This is a well respected clinic in Chicago. Why did they not pick this up in 6 months of being followed for CSR, with I don’t know how many images of my eye and countless examinations?

    Again, the best way I can describe, it’s almost always above right eye, say 98% of the time (this was the dryer eye, 2 sec tear break up), strained, very light pressure under eyebrow and kind of where eybrow meets eyelid. Occasional tingling in cheek, this seems worse when I stress and worry about it. Does anyone have symptoms like mine?

    I think I have a combo dry eye (maybe from wearing contacts for so long), computer vision thing going on, what exactly should I ask the ophthalmologist to test me for in a week? Any other thoughts, suggestions, comment are welcome.

    Sorry for the length but I figure lots of info may help. Thanks in advance.
    Last edited by dryeyeguy; 02-Apr-2007, 10:35.

  • #2
    Hi and welcome to the dry eye zone.

    But still have the on again off again pain/strain above right eye. Sometimes tingles like pins and needles into cheek bone a bit but not often. Sometimes I have good days other days not so much. It does seem to be aggravated by computer or TV/reading but sometimes I can’t find a cause, it’s just there.
    Pain above the eye, could this be pain of a muscular nature? With a TBUT of 2 and 5 you certainately have evaporative dry eye as anything below 10 is. But if one eye is worse than the other you may be over using the eye muscles by blinking or squinting due to dry eye. Just a thought.
    It makes sense that your muscles would respond to being stressed or doing things which strain them, i.e using the computer, reading.

    I have muscular face pain which includes muscles around my eyes.

    hope this helped some.
    I healed my dry eye with nutrition and detoxification. I'm now a Nutritional Therapist at: Join my dry eye facebook group:


    • #3
      Thanks for the thoughts, I too have been leading to muscle issues lately, which of course is certainly compounded by dry eye. This when I am not freaking out about every other thing it could be. Bit of a hypochondriac (admission is the 1st step).

      Like right now for instance, no real pain in the usual right eye and just had some tinges in left eyelid. I have really had to focus on the computer today.


      • #4
        Your problem sounds very much like mine. I have dry eye due to LASIK and it absolutely affects the way I "hold" my eyes and forehead. My muscles and bones near my eyes are sore all the time. The discomfort does fluxuate from day-to-day, but not necessarily with the status of my surface dryness.

        Ever been checked for convergence insufficiency? Perhaps there's something going on there. I'm not an expert, but it could be worth asking about.

        Make sure you're taking breaks from your computer during the day. You can download some "blinkers" from this site:

        Stick with the hot compresses. It'll help the dryness a bit and it will relax the muscles. I've learned to relax and enjoy my hot compresses twice a day.

        Never play leapfrog with a unicorn.


        • #5
          Hmm, very interesting.

          I am not sure if I have been tested for that. God knows I have had enough vision checks over the last 6 months with the CSR by both Opthomologists and Optemetrists.

          Last eye exam they said astigmatism got worse in right eye. But I always get the distortion in left eye is normal from CSR markers and right eye from the astigmatism, but you see 20/20.

          I go to the opthomolgist on Monday, is this something they can check easily or is this one of those "Oh you'll need to come back another day and speak with the convergence insufficiency guy"

          The fact that is comes an goes spiratically and at random times at lease has helped calm my fears of brain or other tumor :-)


          • #6
            That convergence insufficiency thing might be easily screenable. If they should decide to look into it further it would probably require additonal appointment time.

            They might laugh at you for even suggesting such a thing. It can happen with LASIK patients when they lose their glasses...can't remember why exactly. It's probably more likely in children. Still, it popped into my head as a muscle issue. I honestly am just a novice here who has just a tiny bit of experience.

            Dry eyes can wreak havok in a lot of ways. You probably don't need to concern yourself with a tumor just yet!
            Never play leapfrog with a unicorn.


            • #7
              Uh, Diana.........we need to tell dryeyeguy to stay 1 million miles away from anyone suggesting lasik, prk or any other refractive surgery will help his dry eye (and other) problems. I'm not speaking of muscle surgery or retina surgery, just lasik/prk and the like. Don't go there..
              Don't trust any refractive surgeon with YOUR eyes.

              The Dry Eye Queen


              • #8
                Don't worry, I have read enough here that has made me quite happy to keep my glasses and no Lasik.


                • #9
                  Dry Eye Guy--Hello--

                  If you're wondering how your eyes are working together (or not) you can check out some of the behavioral optometry sites on the web.

                  You can also find instructions on how to make a "Brock String" and how to use it. This is a cord about 5 ft in length, if I remember correctly, with 3 large wooden beads set at Near, Middle, and Far. You hold the cord to your nose, and practice focusing along the cord from the near-to-far beads.

                  Here is a website that has various techniques (and photos). I did some of these exercises with my son when he was 10--he had lots of headaches, convergence imbalance, etc.


                  You may be surprised, when using the Brock String, to find that you are favoring one eye. This can cause strain and pain when using the computer. I have something similar with my right eye. It has more astigmatism, tires easily, and if I don't have the correct Rx which balances both eyes, I get chronic headaches centered in and behind the eye.



                  • #10
                    Thank you, I certainly now have some additional questions to ask the opthomologist about.

                    I have really been paying attention and as the day wears on here, my eyes get more bloodshot for sure. Computer combined with a very dry building I am sure are part of this and after years it is just finally catching up with me.

                    I ordered a cubicle humidifier, figure it can't hurt.


                    • #11
                      Well no answers after appointment today. This optho did not seem concerned about TBUT and said my corneas and everything else look fine.

                      He said random pain above eye and brow was maybe something with an N, nueriglia, maybe?

                      He said it could be stress and computer related and he would just ignore it basically and no further tests were really warranted such as MRI and such.

                      So I guess at this point I am spent and I will stay out of my contacts for sometime, try to de-stress and see what happens.


                      • #12
                        He said random pain above eye and brow was maybe something with an N, nueriglia, maybe?
                        Dry I Guy, your doc was probably referring to neuralgia, and more specifically MAYBE trigeminal neuralgia.

                        To keep it brief (which is hard for me) I won't go into detail. This is serious, complicated and not at all what you have. You can search the internet if the situation warrants it. Good luck.

                        Don't trust any refractive surgeon with YOUR eyes.

                        The Dry Eye Queen


                        • #13
                          Maybe he said Nueropathy, really does not matter I suppose. I am going to try a couple more weeks of drops (I just got Dakrina/Dwelle sample pack) and warm compresses and try not to worry as much as possible for me.

                          At that point I am sure my GP would get me an MRI if I wanted one.


                          • #14

                            I moved your post to its own thread at this link so that more people will see it and respond.
                            Rebecca Petris
                            The Dry Eye Foundation

