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Fellow LASIK induced dry eye sufferer

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  • Fellow LASIK induced dry eye sufferer


    I had LASIK done four years ago. I've gone through a range of mixed emotions with this induced condition, though not as much anger as i probably should have. I never suffered with dry eyes before LASIK, only when i wore contacts which i could not tollerate for more than 1 hour. I regret not doing more research on the internet, but in fairness to myself i did not know how to use google back then. I did try looking at as was told to read this site first but i could never bring it up on the net. So i unknowingly put all my trust in the surgeon. I did not know he was independant working and trying to get as much custom as he could. I asked him about the small print on the consent form concerning dry eye. I asked if i was at greater risk of this because i couldn't wear contacts. His reply was just dry eye with contacts does not mean you have dry eyes, i've looked at your eyes and they do not look too bad. He told me i was ok for surgery. I asked how much LASIK makes the eyes dryer, i was told only 10%. I now know he must have made up this figure. Isn't this so familiar to everyone else's story?

    If i have any anger its more aimed at a society/ government that allows money making companies to profit from this procedure that is unnessarily causing terrible infliction on many individuals. Sure the majority of success outways the minority for now but that does not make it right. That thought may help the surgeons live with their fortunes but the pain & suffering of the minority far aways the enjoyment of freedom of glasses and contacts for the majority. Also those who could tollerate contacts are more likely have no dry eye after LASIK so isn't better we forget LASIK and those who wouldn't have got LASIK dry eye can just keep using their contacts and don't need glasses anyway. And those who can't wear contacts are much better off not having LASIK (even those who have got away with it now might suffer as they age if they had contact issues!). Also surgeons do not explain the knock on effects of having dry eye. Some people i've told i have dry eye about just give me a dumb look and say "haven't you heard of eye drops!". For a start they don't work for me for longer than 2 minutes and make the burning worse ( have tried every eye drop). If i am in a space with air con, over heating or fans i suffer severe pain all around my eyes and in my sinus cavities, there is shooting pain though my right eye to the back of my head. My nose drips with blood slightly from the dry sinuses. Nothing i've taken helps my sinuses. Who would have thought dry eyes cause all that! Not many people know the tears in eyes also go down the tear ducts to keep the nose moist. I have bottom tear duct plugs now but when i had all 4 put in the sinus headaches became permanent. Plus my eyes adjusted and became dry again after 3 days. If it was just the burning/ grit in my eyes feeling then i could probably cope but when i get the dry sinuses i feel like i have flu or something, even my back starts to ache and i have to lay down ( i think its an immune response by that stage).

    Anyway my dry eye got slightly better after 3 months post LASIK but then went down hill after 6 months, mainly because i was in an air conditioned office. I had to quit that job. I went back to the LASIK company, my surgeon had left. My schmir was 0 in both eyes. I couldn't be helped much. I regularly go to the eye hospital now but they can't do a lot. Some days are better than others and I am hopeful most days. I think I am a naturally happy fun person, i am usually ok most days because i still have a job and a home. I'm able to work in a small shared office where i control the environment, i had to fight disability rights for it and it was worth it. The thing that gets me the most down is not the condition alone but explaining it to others, having to get them to modify their air con in their car etc for my comfort. Its so true other people think its a minor suffering, i'm tired of feeling guilty for making a fuss out of it. My mother told me i should just get on with it and said she doesn't have much moisture in her eyes either (but hers don't burn or have the feeling of sand in her eyes!). So now i suffer in silence and avoid social interaction in air conditioned places. I also can't tollerate perfume from other people anymore as this affects my sinuses which are very dry. It also causes me painful sinus headaches. But all this said i do have good days, even good weeks where i get on with my life and try to enjoy it the best i can. If you ever met me you could probably not even tell i have this condition. My eyes are not red usually, i've only ever had one stranger ask if i have a problem with my eyes as i think i must have been squinting a bit or something.

    Thank you for reading and I am sorry if you are suffering to. May you find some peace and help from using this sight. I am happy to answer any questions as i have had this condition for a long time and know pretty much all there is in controlling the condition and know what works and what doesn't for me (wrap around glasses are a big help). As for myself i wish there was a local group i could join so i could talk to those with the condition (as typing and reading a lot on the pc doesn't help the condition!). I've only ever spoken to people on the internet who live miles away from me so if you are from the South West of England I would love to hear from you.
    Hope is a wonderful thing!

  • #2
    Hi Caroline, I can't address most of your post now, but want to say that it's not your fault for the dry eyes following lasik. Doctors have long ignored this and even denied it in the early days of lasik.

    There are many of us on here with dry eyes resulting from lasik/PRK etc. If you have the problem, DEZ is the place to be. Welcome. Lucy
    Don't trust any refractive surgeon with YOUR eyes.

    The Dry Eye Queen


    • #3
      Hi Lucy

      Thank you for reading and for your comments. I didn't know they tried to denie the dry eye in the beginning, it does not surprise me though. I'm sorry if you were one of the ones who experienced that. At times it feels like i am going a bit mad with this condition as no one else has it around me but to go through that and to be told you must be imagining it would be a lot harder. Also to try and manage the problem.



      • #4


        Welcome to the DEZ. I, too, am a post-refractive-surgery dry eye sufferer.

        I think that every one of us here has heard the "can't you just use eye drops?" response, and it is still enormously irritating to me when I hear it. And I agree that having to either "suffer in silence" or explain your condition repeatedly (sometimes to the same people) is very frustrating.

        I hope you have someone supportive in your life. I know from experience that the people here will do all they can to help you.

        Hang in there.


        • #5

          Have you been checked out for autoimmune problems? The dry sinuses worry me. Do you also have a dry mouth?



          • #6

            I understand what you mean about the dry eye, the only person who understands what I have gone through is my patrner, and that is because he has suffered by watching me.

            I am including a link of the FDA hearings that you might be interested in viewing.


            It is so frustrating to continue to have people continue getting this process done without having a clue what they are getting done.

            I believe we all got caught up in the hype.

            I consider myself one of the fortunate ones. I am 10 weeks post Lasik and I have a handle on the pain and am hopeful that I am improving...still far from perfect but not in pain. Within that twn weeks I experienced the range of emotions from shock, horror to terror. And as you said, people think dry eyes is just a matter of putting in drops.

            NO one deservers to go through post Lasik dry eye. I never believed in conspiratory theories, but I now believe I am converted.

            I hope things get better for you and for all others suffering dry eye.

            And I also hope that if we are vocal enough that Lasik will be exposed for what it is.



            • #7
              Thank you for all your replys and links.

              I've been checked for autoimmune diseases at the eye hospital and i don't have a dry mouth so i don't think thats an underlying cause, but thank you for the idea, it had crossed my mind because of the sinuses issue. It could be an allergy i suppose. The eye doctor told me i have allergens in my eyes (?).

              I have also become a converted conspiracy believer!! Most definately!! I was thinking yesterday when i was on the internet that i can't believe i am still reading about cases like mine of people who have had this done in 2006 when i had this done in 2004! If only i could have warned those people. The government and LASIK industry has really let people down. I think that most people reading bad case stories before considering LASIK are so desperate to have it done they think it won't happen to them and that those unfortunate people are in the very small minority, this of course is backed up by the surgeon's comments. I think i am wiser and more realistic a person than I was before LASIK. Also that little bit stronger for my experience.

              Today i've had a good eye day after a week of burning left eye. So i am feeling normal again. I did make a conscious effort to relax my eyes as much as possible as they get tense, espically in moderate light or at the pc( i have no fluroscent lighting and low light setting on pc). I don't know what anyone else thinks but i wander if the eye tension (ie. tense eye muscles) contribute to the eyes becoming dryer (catch 22). Also half way through drinking my tea i kept placing the warm mug on my left eye several times a day followed by lid massages and lots of sweezed blinking. It helped today anyway and that it rained a lot!! Also i tried not to over use my wrap around glasses. I had been using them a lot and i find they can make my eyes ache a bit, not sure why. I did read that the only way oxygen gets to the eyes is from the tears (as no blood supply) and as i have none practically i guess the glasses are suffocating them a bit?

              Thank you all for your kind words, it means so much to have your support and understanding! Hope you are finding relief from your symptoms too.


              • #8
                FDA Hearing

                I just looked at the link. Also i saw the one of Rebecca, didn't she do an absolute superb job of getting across what we have all been through!


                • #9
                  Yes Rebecca gave a very "down to earth" presentation about dry eye, thanks for that Rebecca.

                  My pre-Lasik belief on Lasik horror stories was that the patient had gone to a Lasik "discount store" and by paying top dollar you were gauranteed to be fine...I really believe this is a commonly held belief, and it is to the benefit of those who are making top dollar not to inform you of anything else.

                  I have emailed links to the FDA Lasik hearings to all my friends. I want people to know that Lasik problems are not something that I alone am experiencing, but something that even doctors are warning about.

                  Keep well.



                  • #10
                    FDA hearing


                    Done anyone know what the outcome of the FDA hearing was?


