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Please Help ! Episcleritis Casuing Mgd

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  • Please Help ! Episcleritis Casuing Mgd

    Greetings to all,

    As a new member I am asking for any and all help with my eye condition. I have had RED EYES - without any pain or any feeling of dryness since May 08! I only feel like my eyes are swollen and that I have not slept for weeks.

    This eye issue started suddenly while traveling for 2 months, therefore, I have seen 2 opthymologists in Florida, 4 in my home town and I also went to John Hopkins for an opinion. Hopkins was a waste of time.

    EVERY DOCTOR has had a different diagnoses..... Sic! A local docter has informed me, that I have severe episcleritis - even though my blood work is normal with NO indication of connective tissue disease. In addition, he has become very concerned as I have NOT responded to any topical steroids.

    I have had tons of bloodwork, sinus cat scans and the only thing abnormal was a slightly low testosterone level - which I know can contribute to MGD (I have read the studies) but is not indicated as a cause of episcleritis. I only had eye discharge once, the day I work up traveling with one sticky red eye.

    Yesterday, this local Doctor asked me to try a short course of oral prednisone. Starting with a large dose of 80 mg. a day with a taper down 20 mg. every 5th day. He stated that if I do not respond to the oral prednisone, the next step would be a MRI next week. WHY? To rule out blood vessel blockage and other issues behind my eyes or in my brain or eye orbits. This has really scared me.

    He also stated that normally everyone with episcleritis responds to steroid eye drops. My eyes are a mess. This Doctor really cares and has tried his best to help me. I started with him in early September. Would DHEA drops help me?

    Additionally, I have MGD, (congested glands) secondary to the episcleritis and very dry eyes. Neither the MGD or the dry eyes causes me the normal symptoms - such as described on this site - itching, gritty feeling in the eyes, pain, tearing and so on. I am WORSE - every morning. They just feel very swollen and rimmed with inflammation.

    I find it VERY WEIRD that this all occurred - 8 weeks after I had my lower eyelids surgically lifted ( just the lower bags) but not the uppers! I have even seen 2 eye surgeons that also specialize in eye reconstructive/cosmetic surgery - and they both have stated that this condition was NOT caused by the surgery.

    I have tied every treatment from hot compresses and scrubbing - to plugs. I have taken Doxycycline for months, I am taking Flaxseed oil and all essential oils, ICE is the only thing that seems to help the swelling. I was given Restatis to start yesterday with the Prednisone (oral) yesterday. I have also been topical antibiotics to make sure there is no infection.

    I do NOT have bleph eyes, meaning the eye rims are not red - nor crusty. The whites are just very, very = very swollen and very red. In the morning the whites are swelling over to the iris (colored) part of the eye. HELP !!!!!!

    This has ruined my life. I will not go out after dark - as I look like someone who is smoking crack! Without sunglasses I am in the house - alone with the dog! I am moving back to Florida soon and can't begin to even interview for a job with eyes that look like mine.

    Any and all help/suggestions will be appreciated. You may also email me directly at

    I am sorry that I used the name RED EYES, as I did not realize the moderator has a very similar name.

    Thanks for reading such a long post,


  • #2
    Did the doctors do all the testing for dry eye? Tear BUT, rose bengal die to see scarring, schirmers?

    It was explained to me that if you have eyelid inflammation and dry eye, your eyelids are like car windshield wipers without adequate amount of fluid on the window, which leaves marks. For some of us, this means extremely visible vessels on the whites of our eyes.

    I am concerned that they gave you Prednisone. That is a hardcore steriod not to be taken lightly.

    Good luck and keep us posted!


    • #3
      Yes all tests were performed. This did not start with DRY EYE< but evolved into dry eye from the connective tissue inflammation. The episclera is totally inflammed - thus causing the MGD dysfunction and then the dry eye issue.



