There's a new antidepressant coming out later this year - called Fetzima (levomilnacipran).
Fetzima is a chemical cousin of Savella (Milnacipran)
Fetzima is only approved for treatment of Major Depression.
Link to Fetzima:
Savella is only approved for treatment of fibromyalgia.
Not sure how much better Fetzima will be over other SNRIs like Cymbalta
here's the specs about it in comparison to other SNRIs (and, see attached paper)
Venlafaxine - has a 30-fold greater specificity for serotonin than norepinephrine
Cymbalta - has a 10 fold greater specificity for serotonin than norepinephrine
Milnacipran(Savella) - has a 1:1 relationship regarding serotonin and norepinephrine (prefers each the same ratio)
Levomilnacipran (fetzima) has a 1:2 relationship between preferring serotonin and norepinephrine, respectively.
Link to abstract about Fetzima -
There's a new antidepressant coming out later this year - called Fetzima (levomilnacipran).
Fetzima is a chemical cousin of Savella (Milnacipran)
Fetzima is only approved for treatment of Major Depression.
Link to Fetzima:
Savella is only approved for treatment of fibromyalgia.
Not sure how much better Fetzima will be over other SNRIs like Cymbalta
here's the specs about it in comparison to other SNRIs (and, see attached paper)
Venlafaxine - has a 30-fold greater specificity for serotonin than norepinephrine
Cymbalta - has a 10 fold greater specificity for serotonin than norepinephrine
Milnacipran(Savella) - has a 1:1 relationship regarding serotonin and norepinephrine (prefers each the same ratio)
Levomilnacipran (fetzima) has a 1:2 relationship between preferring serotonin and norepinephrine, respectively.
Link to abstract about Fetzima -