The holiday season is fast approaching... and that means you may be spending more hours in shopping malls, crowded parties, and other environments that are not very friendly to dry eyes. Which in turn means you should think about pampering your eyes just a little more, taking some extra steps to prevent a dry eye flare-up before it happens.
- Drink more water. If you're drinking booze, try to alternate between a drink and a glass of water.
- Drink less coffee.
- Be faithful with lid scrubs in the morning and warm compresses at night, even if you don't think you need them.
- Take flaxseed oil in some form or other.
- And, for those of you who need artificial tears for relief, use them before you tip over into noticeable symptoms.
- Drink more water. If you're drinking booze, try to alternate between a drink and a glass of water.
- Drink less coffee.
- Be faithful with lid scrubs in the morning and warm compresses at night, even if you don't think you need them.
- Take flaxseed oil in some form or other.
- And, for those of you who need artificial tears for relief, use them before you tip over into noticeable symptoms.