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Citrate - why?

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  • Citrate - why?

    This may primarily interest others who have hypersensitivities like myself. It won't necessarily be of interest to those who don't.

    Wondering why citrate isn't considered a preservative.

    At least one person mentioned that Optive was problematic.
    Maybe that was due to its citrate?

    I myself found that Visine (while starting out great for me) eventually felt irritating. Maybe that was due to its sodium citrate, not just BAK?

    I know that Citracal disagreed with me due to citrate.
    The dour pharmacist at Walmart had misled me. I'd asked him whether citrate is like citrus, due to my citrus intolerance. He claimed it isn't, yet that proved untrue as it irritated my throat - unlike carbonate.

    I know that sodium citrate in ice creams disagrees with me.

    It's a fact that there's alot more that's true that has not been proven, than truths which have already been proven. But professed scientists seldom seem to accept this, remaining set in their mindsets UNLESS a new truth is so highly publicized as to be glaring them in the face. And even then.
    CHEERIO! HELIO! Dry Eye Minni
