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Too much omega/vitamins?

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  • Too much omega/vitamins?

    Hi everyone, im writing hoping to recieve some help from the most nutrion/supplements knowledgeable users.

    I've been having some issues with my lips in the last several months (shall i say years?) to the point that they feel all the time burning and look brightly red if not even purplish so that i need to use constantly a lip balm.. and most recently i've started to notice a similar tendence in my inner corners of the eyes.

    It's like i've started to experience a different type of inflammation to my eyes, different from my normal dry eyes, more involving the mucous membranes than the eye surface itself; and i'm wondering if this can be linked to the pre-existing lips one.

    As some of you may remember i'm big on a specific dry-eye supplement that has helped me a lot and i've been taking faithfully for years at very high doses.. i'm trying to understand if my vitamin/omega abuse could be the cause.

    For those nice enough to try to help me out these are the nutritional facts of the product:

    Those are for a 2 pills dose, i must admit i've been taking up to 6 doses per day in some periods and regularly take 4 (normally they recommend 2-2 pills doses).

    Thank you very much for your help, i'm looking forward your replies- Nico
    Last edited by Majorglory; 09-Mar-2015, 14:36. Reason: updated link