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Smart plug associated with canaliculitis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Smart plug associated with canaliculitis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have the Medennium plug in both lower tear ducts and have developed canaliculitis (infection) in both ducts as a result. I have to have the plugs surgically removed and in my research, I found an excellent article by an oculoplastic surgeon in Florida that has seen this exact problem in many of his patients. Since he wrote the article, he's done HUNDREDS of these surgical removals and I just want to warn anyone who is thinking of getting a smart plug to PLEASE read this article. I've been thru absolute HELL with an infection in both eyes for the past year and am now facing surgery to have them removed. If they're still in the tear ducts, I'm lucky, but if they have migrated, it requires a DCR surgery. Some optometrists are not telling patients that if anything goes wrong or they develop an infection that they have to be surgically removed and how serious the surgery is that's needed.
Here is the link to the article regarding smart plugs.