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Dry eyes caused by medication for eye allergy

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  • Dry eyes caused by medication for eye allergy

    Hi, I am new to this site, joined yesterday after spying on it for the past 7 months. I figured my eye problem was short lived so didn't think it was worthwhile joining. What did I know. Retired July 13th (Friday unlucky for me) 6 days later had a bad attack of conjunctivitis. Weekend so bought over the counter drops which didn't help so saw my Dr 3 days later. Prescribed fucidin ointment which cleared the gunk but not the discomfort. Over the phone (my choice not his) he said maybe dry eyes and presribed artificial tears. It was like putting acid in my eyes and I had to rinse them out immediately. Was visiting my son in Bali in a weeks time so was buying over the counter drops to clear it before my holiday. No success. Was referred to see specialist opthalmologist on my return who said I had a very bad allergic reaction and prescribed artificial tears and allergy drops. She said do not throw out the teardrops as they have a life of 6 months and are expensive. Second specialist said it could not be an allergic reaction as the allergy drops hadn't worked so prescribed corticosteroid drops which took away the boulders in the eye pain but affected my vision badly. Didn't care as long as long as the really bad pain went. Saw first specialist again who angrily said I shouldn't have had the corticosteroids as they could damage my eyes (very true but the relief from the pain was worth the risk at the time). I told her the only things near my eyes were eyedrops and she prescribed more saying again, "do nto throw out the teardrops as they last 6 months) I googled eye only allergies and after searching for a couple of weeks nonstop worked out for myself that eye only allergies are usually caused by eyedrops or makeup. Had stopped using makeup. Then found out that a vast amount of people are allergic to preservatives in eyedriops (don't throw out the tears because they last 6 months, hello preservative). I stopped using the drops and just rinsed twice a day with salt water. Told the specialist that her drops were causing my problems which she didn't like but admitted my allergic reaction (lumps inside my eyelids had gone) but that I had dry eyes. I said that the allergic reaction had caused my dry eyes. "Coincidence" she said and prescribed me teardops that last for 12 hours. I would like to think that once my eyes recover properly from the allergic reaction they will get better. I kno, I know but I hope. Specialist, give me google everytime.