I was diagnosed 2 weeks ago, and what a surprize! I would never have described myself of having dry eyes. Looking back now knowing, I must have had it a while but things only came to a head last October. I started a part-time degree course and found myself spending hours using my laptop or reading books and scientific papers. I noticed a vertical double vision/ghosting that appeared consistantly and was rather distracting. After much investigation looking for the cause of this "double vision" my optician refered me to the eye clinic at the hospital.
After my first visit, I was refered to the orthoptist, it was found that I had a convergence insufficiency, vision therapy was started and although this helped a little with the "tired" feeling, it did not cure my "double vision" I saw the consultant eye doctor again and after reading my history, they did a Schirmers test on me, there was the answer.
I have been using artificial tears for 2 weeks and what a difference they have made to my life. I have been putting the burning, itching, blurred vision down to excessive close work and over-tiredness, this has been constant. It also explains why my eyes feel the same when I wake. It has now explained why I often complain to my husband that my eyes are tired and hot. It is early in finding a treatment that is suitable, I am using celluvisc at the moment. I also think I am going to need something for night-time use.
Sorry for the length of this, but I am still so pleased I have finally found the answer.
After my first visit, I was refered to the orthoptist, it was found that I had a convergence insufficiency, vision therapy was started and although this helped a little with the "tired" feeling, it did not cure my "double vision" I saw the consultant eye doctor again and after reading my history, they did a Schirmers test on me, there was the answer.
I have been using artificial tears for 2 weeks and what a difference they have made to my life. I have been putting the burning, itching, blurred vision down to excessive close work and over-tiredness, this has been constant. It also explains why my eyes feel the same when I wake. It has now explained why I often complain to my husband that my eyes are tired and hot. It is early in finding a treatment that is suitable, I am using celluvisc at the moment. I also think I am going to need something for night-time use.
Sorry for the length of this, but I am still so pleased I have finally found the answer.