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  • Housekeeping

    Time to update your user profile!

    If you have not done so recently, please take a moment to review your user profile and make sure your information is up to date.

    HOW? >>> Towards the top left of your screen, in the blue bar, you will see "USER SETTINGS AND PROFILE". Click on it. You'll then see a list of items in the light blue column at the left.


    1. Signature

    This is a line that appears at the end of each post you make. It is stored in the database. If you change your signature, it will change what appears in all past posts you have made.

    Some people use this for their name, some people for a favorite proverb. No signature is required. Signatures cannot be used for promotional purposes (eg your personal or corporate URL - you can put it in your profile but NOT your signature line).

    ANOTHER OPTION It was suggested to me by a user today that it would be handy to see in or near people's posts what their dry eye cause is. So, one option for a signature line is you could put a brief description e.g. LASIK dry eye, Sjogrens dry eye, etc.

    2. Email and password

    Please make sure you have a current email address on file.

    3. Profile

    This is all optional but we would be very grateful if you would put current information in the following sections:

    - CAUSE of your dry eye (check boxes at the top of the Profile page)

    Most of you completed this when you registered, but sometimes this changes... maybe you were "I don't know" back then but have learned more about your cause(s) since then.

    - PREFERRED DRY EYE TREATMENTS (text box near the bottom of the page)

    Please take a moment to mention some of the things that you use. This can be medical treatments (tear supplements, plugs, Restasis, doxy etc) as well as consumer products such eyewear, Tranquileyes etc.

    Optionally, those who would like can enter a URL, text messaging handles etc. Don't put in more information than you really feel safe divulging. When in doubt, maintain privacy.

    4. Options

    On this page you can indicate whether you will accept messages from other users via email or private message. Private messaging is a good way to make personal contact with users without risking giving out your personal email address.

    If you're wondering about the "Receive email from administrators", it's mostly moot on our board because for the most part we almost never send massmails (other than notifications of the latest Dry Eye Digest).

    5. Avatar

    Feel free to use an avatar (picture or art that shows next to your username on your posts).

    THANK YOU. Any questions, let me know.
    Rebecca Petris
    The Dry Eye Foundation