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Solution for HORMONAL associted SLK

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  • Solution for HORMONAL associted SLK

    I've suffered from SLK most of my life (I'm now 50) and wasn't diagnosed till I was 2012. It took 4 ophthalmologists to figure it out. All he did was give me steroids (which gave me cataracts), restasis and mucomyst...none of it worked to stop the filaments that would cause me so much pain. I knew my flare ups were linked to my hormonal fluctuations, but I didn't know how...only that when I got my period or was ovulating, I would get a flare up with almost constant filaments for about a week. I suspected it was Estrogen because since I became peri-menopausal, my estrogen levels began to change and so did the flare ups. Anyways...I believe I've figured it out. I came across a study about probiotics and gluten sensitivity (which I am) and it stated that B. Lactis reversed the gluten response by emitting enzymes that broke down the gluten protein. So I started taking a fairly strong supplement that contained that strain and about 8 others. Not only am I not sensitive to gluten anymore, I noticed my flare ups had ceased. Upon further research of this, I found that probiotics also reduce estrogen dominance in women. That was it!! The probiotic regimen I'm taking get rid of all the extra estrogen in my system and my flare ups and filaments have stopped. It's been almost 3 months and my eyes have never been calmer! I can't even express how happy I am about this. I keep waiting for it to start up again, but each day gets better than the last. I felt I needed to share this for others that suffer from SLK and filamentary keratitis..