Hey everyone!
So I moved recently back to where I grew up. My eyes feel a bit better here and much less red. I still don't know why. Anyway, I got referred to a new ophtho. and he told me some interesting things. He said my eyes didn't LOOK to bad but he understands they probably feel worse than they look. He told me to STOP using ANYTHING that had a preservative..which is kind of obvious but then I was thinking.. I do use quite a bit of BAK in my eyes... I usually use Alrex in my right eye (which is my worse eye) and Pataday for allergies. I also told him I was using Systane Lid Wipes...he looked at the packaging read the ingredients and kept saying "this ingredient is crap, this is crap and so on" lol He actually did this for a long time. He said I was taking one step forward and two steps back everyday
He also doesn't agree with Restasis but my eyes are to dry without it.. He said its a very harsh drug and only to be used for "severe conditions" He told me just to use warm potatoes twice a day and if I NEED to use something to wash my eyes, to use baby shampoo, but he prefers just hot water. He also said only to use PF steroids and a few times per week and serum whenever, he said its very safe.
Maybe if I stop using BAK I will start to feel better? Have I been making myself worse this whole time??
AND...my problem started due to visine overuse, and that has BAK in it too.
No one has ever really told me this, I mean I knew it was kinda bad, but didn't know it was that bad.. stupid me i guess!
So I moved recently back to where I grew up. My eyes feel a bit better here and much less red. I still don't know why. Anyway, I got referred to a new ophtho. and he told me some interesting things. He said my eyes didn't LOOK to bad but he understands they probably feel worse than they look. He told me to STOP using ANYTHING that had a preservative..which is kind of obvious but then I was thinking.. I do use quite a bit of BAK in my eyes... I usually use Alrex in my right eye (which is my worse eye) and Pataday for allergies. I also told him I was using Systane Lid Wipes...he looked at the packaging read the ingredients and kept saying "this ingredient is crap, this is crap and so on" lol He actually did this for a long time. He said I was taking one step forward and two steps back everyday
Maybe if I stop using BAK I will start to feel better? Have I been making myself worse this whole time??
No one has ever really told me this, I mean I knew it was kinda bad, but didn't know it was that bad.. stupid me i guess!