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Chronic Chalazions-What Kind of Doctor to See?

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  • Chronic Chalazions-What Kind of Doctor to See?

    My eyelids are a mess of bumps after a year of never-ending chalazions. (I still keep getting them.) So, what kind of doctor do I see? My opthomologist sent me to a oculoplastic surgeon. However, while I've been under the surgeon's care for six months, I can't help but wonder if maybe I'm seeing the wrong person. My problem is chronic, and that doesn't seem like the right fit for a surgeon.

    I did try a dry eye doc, but there were some differences between the two docs that confuse me. For one, the surgeon always everts my lids and expresses them manually. The dry eye doc does not; he does push in my glands, though, to see if oil comes out. The surgeon wants me to keep on the doxy, even though I keep making new chalazions. The dry eye doc wants me to quit to doxy and try allergy testing and try Tobradex drops. I'm so confused.

    So please, please, what kind of doctor do I need? What should I expect them to do at every visit?

    Also, if you have any NYC or Northern NJ doctor recommendations, please pass them along!