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:rolleyes: MGD or not? Eyes almost back to "normal" dryness?
This is my first time to post here, but I've been reading in the past several months. I had intralasik surgery in February 2013. Soon after the surgery I developed dry eyes, which was expected. I just kept using preservative free artificial drops whenever needed, usually every 15 minutes to 30 minutes....Last edited by lasik-induced-mgd; 21-Oct-2013, 22:21.
Unpreserved saline burns
Hey guys, reading up on osmolarity (super salty tears) and how drops, no matter the type (preserved, unpreserved) leave me nothing but red and bloodshot, would it be possible just to dilute my saline with distilled water in order to make it more tolerable to the eye? I like that it feels pretty good...