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dust allergy x

  • EllMitcho
    started a topic Air purifiers?

    Air purifiers?

    Hi All

    My eyes are terrible when I work from home and I reckon it's to do with the dust. As one way to look at reducing the dust and dust mites I was considering trying an air purifier. Does anyone have any experience with these? Do they significantly trap dust? How often do the filters...
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  • pritzzy
    started a topic frustrated! need help :/

    frustrated! need help :/

    since a week I've been noticing that my scleras', have become red (not blood shot red) and I feel as if there's something on the top of my eyes when I close my eyelids. my eyes burn, mostly when i go outside or in other words when i come in contact with the air outside. i'm mostly concerned bout the...
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