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European Training Network for Integrated Training in DES Drug Development (IT-DEDł)
IT-DEDł is a project funded by the European Union's Research and Innovation programme H2020 - MSCA (grant agreement 765608). European Training Network for Integrated Training in Dry Eye Disease Drug Development (IT-DEDł), a rather difficult title that could be roughly translated to: different organisation...
Customised Compounding Pharmarcies Research
Possibly more expensive than OTC therapies....
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filamentary kerastitis - possible solution?
"Subsequently, friction cause by blinking and/or movement of the eye develops between the palpebral conjunctiva and the injured epithelium and produces the filament core. Further frictional stress is exerted by the eyelid, and the core then entwines with mucin, conjunctival epithelium, fiber of...
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2013 article on functional lacrimal gland regeneration - any updates?
Article: Functional lacrimal gland regeneration by transplantation of a bioengineered organ germ
Date of publication: 10/1/2013
Link to article:
It's an in depth article on how a team of Japanese...
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New Dry Eye Treatment Research - Survey
Hello all,
I am a research fellow at Stanford University, and my colleagues and I are developing a new treatment for Dry Eye. We would really love to get some patient feedback early in the process to make sure we're actually meeting patients' needs. If you have a couple of minutes to spare,...
Bandage Lense, SCL- My Final Conclusion
Contact lens can prevent further abrasions by providing a protective barrier under which the epithelium can heal itself without being exposed. The criteria are typically pain, and/or persistent corneal surface damage that is of a sight threatening nature. In this case, the contact lens actually improves...