Hi Jason ~ Happy that you posted up.
Just found this in Medscape http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/1210417-overview 'Dry Eye Syndrome' and it's good but technical. But good.
Anatomy section explains a bit how the network of nerves affects tearing and eye surface. Something for Dr Google, maybe it's trigeminal nerve V1 ophthalmic branch that's not working so well when you lie down.
'The secretion of the lacrimal gland is controlled by a neural reflex arc, with afferent nerves (trigeminal sensory fibers) in the cornea and the conjunctiva passing to the pons (superior salivary nucleus), from which efferent fibers pass in the nervus intermedius to the pterygopalatine ganglion and postganglionic sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves terminating in the lacrimal glands.'
We're not docs blah blah, but pons is in the brain stem, and you're thinking above maybe there are systemic pressures in there to explain these symptoms. Don't know how nerve pressure would give dry throat but I'm seeing the word salivary there. There are other nerve branches that give eye pain, face pain and headache as well, including traceable back to top of spine.
This is Neuro-ophthalmology really - OCT exam and vision tests for optic nerve function if you want to track anything or start to lose parts of vision and need meds. OCT at back of eye is better than head MRI for the vision stuff, I think.
Neuro-ophthalmologists sometimes stick to back of the eye, whereas we want them knowledgeable in front of eye too including face pain, tearing and cornea.
I'd be trying an eye mask or eyedrop gel at night, just in case the eyelids aren't closing and that makes a difference. 'Lagophthalmos' dries out the eye surface painfully. And be making sure air in the room is not drying.
Anyone else see this from dry eye? My d gets similar with intracranial pressure on optic nerves on bending over or coughing but we're in ophthalmology monitoring for IH so it's kinda par for the course.
Is this consistent with what you're thinking with the dry eye and mouth? have you got a doc you like?
Just found this in Medscape http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/1210417-overview 'Dry Eye Syndrome' and it's good but technical. But good.
Anatomy section explains a bit how the network of nerves affects tearing and eye surface. Something for Dr Google, maybe it's trigeminal nerve V1 ophthalmic branch that's not working so well when you lie down.
'The secretion of the lacrimal gland is controlled by a neural reflex arc, with afferent nerves (trigeminal sensory fibers) in the cornea and the conjunctiva passing to the pons (superior salivary nucleus), from which efferent fibers pass in the nervus intermedius to the pterygopalatine ganglion and postganglionic sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves terminating in the lacrimal glands.'
We're not docs blah blah, but pons is in the brain stem, and you're thinking above maybe there are systemic pressures in there to explain these symptoms. Don't know how nerve pressure would give dry throat but I'm seeing the word salivary there. There are other nerve branches that give eye pain, face pain and headache as well, including traceable back to top of spine.
This is Neuro-ophthalmology really - OCT exam and vision tests for optic nerve function if you want to track anything or start to lose parts of vision and need meds. OCT at back of eye is better than head MRI for the vision stuff, I think.
Neuro-ophthalmologists sometimes stick to back of the eye, whereas we want them knowledgeable in front of eye too including face pain, tearing and cornea.
I'd be trying an eye mask or eyedrop gel at night, just in case the eyelids aren't closing and that makes a difference. 'Lagophthalmos' dries out the eye surface painfully. And be making sure air in the room is not drying.
Also some time after the dryness, did notice vision change. Like when looking at bright light, or sky or concrete. I can see hundreds of these micro dots. Actually looks more like micro glowing worms. And they are squirming all over the place at a high rate of speed.
Is this consistent with what you're thinking with the dry eye and mouth? have you got a doc you like?