Folks - believe it or not, this came to me while I was trying to fall asleep last night. We've had a lot of talk on dry eye AND SJOGRENS just recently on this board. First, I just want to make a statement which makes sense to me and cuts to the bottom line. I understand if it doesn't make sense to others and that won't bother me.
MY OPINION: If you have dry eyes, you have dry eyes. Duh! Sometimes you have had them for 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, 2 years, 3 years and so forth. Each has a timeline from when their dry eyes started. For me, it was 7 years ago with the wonderful lasik surgery available to all of us with open pocket books. For 7 years, I've chased across the country seeing doctors and trying everything, I've connected with all the dry eyed folks on the internet--yes for 7 years. I had to stop working two years ago.
My eyes are not getting better. They will never be better probably than they are now. A frightening thought. Recently diagnosed with Sjogrens, there is nothing more or new for my dry eyes than before my diagnosis. In other words, a Sjogrens diagnosis made zippo relief or what might be available to me for dry eyes. I've seen a tendency for a few to check into the possibility of their having Sjogrens. That is fine. I certainly did check into it. But, only after 7 yeard did anything show up. Anything I did before that for testing (or if I'd had a lip biopsy) was negative.
Even with the diagnosis, ta da, I'M STILL WHERE I WAS WITH DRY EYES. I already have the scleral lens, the Panoptx, the drops of my choice, other prescription glasses/goggles/Tranquileyes. blah, blah, blah.
That's it, folks. There is nothing else. If you are looking for a diagnosis of Sjogrens because you are sick, that makes sense. If it's because you have dry eyes for a few months, probably means nothing in terms of a diagnosis. Besides, even if/when you have a diagnosis.......THERE IS NOTHING MORE THAN WHAT WE ALREADY HAVE. So, if you have painful dry eyes, they will be that way whether you have just ordinary run of the mill dry eyes (no such thing-I know) or have this awful other stuff. If you have "ordinary run of the mill" dry eyes, you obviously have a better chance at getting better through time, if nothing else.
I'm doing exactly the same for my eyes as I have been doing. Because "that's all there is."
MY OPINION: If you have dry eyes, you have dry eyes. Duh! Sometimes you have had them for 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, 2 years, 3 years and so forth. Each has a timeline from when their dry eyes started. For me, it was 7 years ago with the wonderful lasik surgery available to all of us with open pocket books. For 7 years, I've chased across the country seeing doctors and trying everything, I've connected with all the dry eyed folks on the internet--yes for 7 years. I had to stop working two years ago.
My eyes are not getting better. They will never be better probably than they are now. A frightening thought. Recently diagnosed with Sjogrens, there is nothing more or new for my dry eyes than before my diagnosis. In other words, a Sjogrens diagnosis made zippo relief or what might be available to me for dry eyes. I've seen a tendency for a few to check into the possibility of their having Sjogrens. That is fine. I certainly did check into it. But, only after 7 yeard did anything show up. Anything I did before that for testing (or if I'd had a lip biopsy) was negative.
Even with the diagnosis, ta da, I'M STILL WHERE I WAS WITH DRY EYES. I already have the scleral lens, the Panoptx, the drops of my choice, other prescription glasses/goggles/Tranquileyes. blah, blah, blah.
That's it, folks. There is nothing else. If you are looking for a diagnosis of Sjogrens because you are sick, that makes sense. If it's because you have dry eyes for a few months, probably means nothing in terms of a diagnosis. Besides, even if/when you have a diagnosis.......THERE IS NOTHING MORE THAN WHAT WE ALREADY HAVE. So, if you have painful dry eyes, they will be that way whether you have just ordinary run of the mill dry eyes (no such thing-I know) or have this awful other stuff. If you have "ordinary run of the mill" dry eyes, you obviously have a better chance at getting better through time, if nothing else.
I'm doing exactly the same for my eyes as I have been doing. Because "that's all there is."