I'm not a Sjogren's patient, just a post-Lasik dry eyes person. However, because of a non-eye-related condition, I've been taking a new prescription drug for the last two weeks. One of its well-documented side-effects is "dry mouth." Which has hit me with a vengeance.
EGAD! I've been sucking on hard candies, swilling water (carrying a bottle everywhere I go, even room-to-room in the house), and licking my lips to the point of distraction. I have no history of being a chronic mouth-breather at night, but I've been waking up several times each night with colossal cotton-mouth.
I'm not likely to need to take this med for more than another two weeks, so I don't intend to add any other meds to the mix (although I have searched for links to Evoxac and Salagen, just in case ). Right now I intend to "tough it out." My sole purpose in writing is to say that having experienced this symptom (temporarily -- I hope), has brought great appreciation of what many of you with Sjogren's are experiencing every day.
EGAD! I've been sucking on hard candies, swilling water (carrying a bottle everywhere I go, even room-to-room in the house), and licking my lips to the point of distraction. I have no history of being a chronic mouth-breather at night, but I've been waking up several times each night with colossal cotton-mouth.
I'm not likely to need to take this med for more than another two weeks, so I don't intend to add any other meds to the mix (although I have searched for links to Evoxac and Salagen, just in case ). Right now I intend to "tough it out." My sole purpose in writing is to say that having experienced this symptom (temporarily -- I hope), has brought great appreciation of what many of you with Sjogren's are experiencing every day.