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Difficulties Wearing Glasses??

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  • Difficulties Wearing Glasses??

    I have a topic that I would like to introduce, which I have not read anything about on these threads. As background information I am not sure that I have ever really received an accurate diagnosis to explain what is causing my symptoms. I have been told many things including blepharitis, ocular rosacea, eczema, and possibly allergies. I am using warm compresses twice daily and over-the-counter drops as needed to treat the symptoms.

    What baffles me is that the constant discomfort and irritation in my eyes seems to worsen when I wear my eyeglasses. I had been wearing soft contact lenses for years but due to the dryness and irritation was forced to switch to glass, having a fairly high prescription (5.5 in left and 6.0 in right). So I am at a point now where I cannot where contacts, and I cannot wear glasses without causing more discomfort, and without wearing either I am terribly near sighted and can hardly function to perform any type of day-to-day activities.

    I am curious if anyone else has had this experience? Basically the glasses seem to cause my eyes to strain to see through the discomfort and dryness, and the straining therefore makes the discomfort worse. I am able to function in my own house, because I am so familiar with the setting, but going outside is a real chore because I am nearly blind.

    Anyone experience this type of phenomenon?

  • #2
    How long have you been back in glasses full time? The reason I ask is because soft lenses keep your eyes moist even as they irritate and disrupt tear flow. That moist protection is gone now and that makes your corneas drier and more painful.

    You may want to check whether the warm compresses are the best for you. I have read on this forum that people with rosacea get MORE irritation from warmth and should use cool instead.

    After I went back to glasses it took me a month to get accustomed.

    I understand the difference in vision and the constricting feeling you get with glasses as opposed to contacts. I am also nearsighted at -8.50. It is straining in the sense that you're probably not moving your eyes as much without the full field of vision one gets with contacts.



    • #3
      Is there any chance the prescription could use some tweaking? Or a larger frame?

      I wore soft contacts for 20 years. But I had an extremely high prescription and needed glasses as backups anyway. I remember I went through a period years ago with one particular optometrist where I had difficulty getting just the right Rx. Took two or three changes before I got back to a place of comfort.

      I've also (years ago) been in a place with dry eye and eyestrain from poor vision where it became almost impossible to decipher where the pain was coming from, so I understand and I'm sorry for what you're going through.
      Rebecca Petris
      The Dry Eye Foundation


      • #4
        I meant to mention in my earlier post that my prescription is new as of about 4 months ago and in my multiple trips to different eye doctors, the prescription has been checked and rechecked, so I assume it is correct. I should also mention that with my extreme photophobia my prescription sunglasses seem to be all I can tolerate. The prescriptions for both regular-wear and sunglasses are the same. So I don't understand why the regular glasses are nearly useless to me because they kick off such strain, discomfort, and the photophobia.


        • #5
          Hello mylittlem,

          There are many parameters involved in making good glasses, I suggest you need to go back to the doctor that prescribed them and ask for a new exam and a new pair of glasses. Some of the parameters are nearly impossible to measure outside of the lens making lab.

          Good luck,



          • #6
            I once heard that some people have trouble with the thin lens types - with the light refraction... definitely you should get them checked over.
            just keep swimming...


            • #7
              I find my dry eye symptoms get worse wearing glasses (which I don't do often, only goggles).

              I put it down to my blink rate changing - I speculate that when it takes less effort to focus I don't blink as often, which just make DES worse. Either that or it changes the flow of air over the eyes.


              • #8
                Thanks, jlg. I was glad to hear you speculate on the blink rate connection. I had thought that possibly the same was true in my case, but had never heard anyone else complain along these lines until I read your comment. I do strongly believe there is some connection. I must say that I am rather ignorant about the use of gogglels. Can you explain wether they are prescription and therefore used instead of your regular glasses?


                • #9
                  I understand you can get prescription goggles, but mine aren't. Fortunately my rx is mild, and I can get away with it. It is true that sometimes I can get eye strain, and I'm not sure if that's due to DES, Thyroid Eye Disease or not wearing glasses.


                  • #10
                    I am so sorry you have this problem, mylittlem but i have to say i have exactly the same problem, maybe worse than yours!

                    My problem is also the straining/irritation/pain around where the glasses touch my face/head. The straining is disattractive and painful, making regular glasses not an option for me. So i have to wear contact lenses. But unfortuately, contact lenses are bad my dry eyes. My eye doctor gave me Acuvue Oaysis(2 week disposable). These lenses are great in terms of mositure and vision except they make my eyes blurry and i can't really focus on computer screen very well. That's the only problem though. Other than that, these lenses are very comfortable. I have been looking for contact lenses better than these, but without any luck.

                    Let encourage and pray for each other.

                    Originally posted by mylittlem View Post
                    I have a topic that I would like to introduce, which I have not read anything about on these threads. As background information I am not sure that I have ever really received an accurate diagnosis to explain what is causing my symptoms. I have been told many things including blepharitis, ocular rosacea, eczema, and possibly allergies. I am using warm compresses twice daily and over-the-counter drops as needed to treat the symptoms.

                    What baffles me is that the constant discomfort and irritation in my eyes seems to worsen when I wear my eyeglasses. I had been wearing soft contact lenses for years but due to the dryness and irritation was forced to switch to glass, having a fairly high prescription (5.5 in left and 6.0 in right). So I am at a point now where I cannot where contacts, and I cannot wear glasses without causing more discomfort, and without wearing either I am terribly near sighted and can hardly function to perform any type of day-to-day activities.

                    I am curious if anyone else has had this experience? Basically the glasses seem to cause my eyes to strain to see through the discomfort and dryness, and the straining therefore makes the discomfort worse. I am able to function in my own house, because I am so familiar with the setting, but going outside is a real chore because I am nearly blind.

                    Anyone experience this type of phenomenon?


                    • #11
                      Info. just in case: my friend discovered she had allergy to frames, eg nickel.
                      Paediatric ocular rosacea ~ primum non nocere


                      • #12
                        mylittlem and jlg_uk,

                        Thank you for your post and the comments! It is really nice to know that I have some allies in this struggle; particularly on this issue of glasses causing more discomfort, since it does not seem to be so common, and the doctors I have seen can not confidently explain why.

                        Not knowing this thread topic already existed, I posted another one with a nearly identical issue. It can be found here: (there I've elaborated on my problems and what I've ruled out)

                        If it is okay, I have added you both as a friend, and sent a request for you to add me. I think it would be great if we could have each others' contact, so that if one of us becomes aware of the exact problem (or solution), we let the others know in hopes that it will help them too.


                        • #13
                          Hi everyone!!! I am new to posting on dryeyezone but have been reading the posts for months. This topic of the glasses making things worse is true for me too!! I had cataract surgery with IOL replacements in both eyes. First eye was a success.. second eye not so good. After 2 more procedures I am left with high pressures and have to use a daily drop to keep my pressure down The drop is very irritating...especially on a very dry eye!!! I went from a -12 prescription to about a -2. I see just great with contacts but can only wear for 2-3 hours. I have very thin glasses now but when I wear them it's like my eyes won't work together or there is a grey haze over my left eye. I have this haze w/o the glasses but it is bearable...with glasses it drives me nuts!! So, I either go without my glasses (not good) or wear glasses (not good). I am wondering if I need a lesser prescription??? Anyone else have this issue??


                          • #14
                            I wonder if the haze is coming from opacification of the posterior capsule. This is generally corrected with an office procedure known as YAG laser. This is a somewhat common occurrence after cataract surgery.


                            • #15
                              Yes, you are right about the opacification of the posterior capsule and I have already had the YAG to correct did improve the hazeness but I am still left with duller vision in that left's like my brain cannot make my eyes work together!! I am always aware of that haze.

