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Dry Eye = Sjogren's Syndrome?

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  • Dry Eye = Sjogren's Syndrome?


    This is my first posting. I developed what I think is dry eye, since i have all the symptoms, extrememely red burning, itching, morn and eves, and the feels like sand in my eyes feeling...I hate to go to another doctor and spend another 150.00 for he/she to tell me that yes, this is what i have. Ive never had allergies and drops help. It even went away for a few weeks, so that is good news. HOwever, I also am really parched all the time, and drinking at least a half gallone of water a day, rarely drinking more than a cup of joe a day, so I have seen that there might be a correlation between Crohns Disease and dry eye, and something calle Sjogren's Syndrome. I just returned from India and had another bout of some kind of stomach bug, and I have the worst kind of black rings under my eyes...any clues about what kind of MD i should see? IM in Boston and go to Brigham and Womens...Thanks, Rangdrol

  • #2
    Do you have Crohn's disease?

    Anyway, it sounds to me like you might have an over-reactive immune system and so should see an allergist. But your water intake is also intriguing, and so you should have a complete blood workup, which the allergist should do. Then see a dry eye specialist.

    The best dry eye specialist I know of in Boston is Donald Korb, O.D.
    Last edited by DrG; 18-Jan-2007, 19:51.

