I had Lasik 7 months ago and have been dealing with dry eyes like many of you. The first 3-4 months were probably the worst months of my life. It sounds dramatic but I never have felt so terrified/anxious/depressed and so mad at myself for going through with lasik (I tried to back out the day before and got talked back into it). I kept reading on this website that time would make things better and it actually has. My eyes are still pretty dry but I am not anxious 24/7 which I am very thankful for. I am currently on Restasis 2X day, Lovasa 2-3 X day, goggles and Refresh PM at night and have lower plugs. My drops have cut down quite a bit durning the day because they offer temporary relief. I am hoping that the prescription of time will work for me and I will be a triumph story at my 1 year mark. This website has been a lifesaver for me so I hope I can offer encouragement in the near future!
BTW...I am a 41 year old female, my vision is perfect (thank god)!
BTW...I am a 41 year old female, my vision is perfect (thank god)!