Good morning all,
I am currently deployed to Afghanistan, so I don't have many resources available. I appreciate any insight that you can offer into my situation that might help me avoid serious injury to my eyes over the long term. Here is my background:
1) PRK in 2010 - August or September
2) Took accutane afterwards (increased dryness)
3) Deployed to Afghanistan earlier this year
I have awoken numerous times here with my eyelids stuck to my eyes. Sometimes it is one eye, sometimes it is both. I noticed that allergy medicine aggravates this condition, so I stopped taking that. Usually the pain is intense but short lasting. I have tried numerous options to help keep my eyes moisturized including lacri-lube, a humidifer, celluvisc, and regular eye drops. No matter which combination I use I always seem to wake up with my eyes at least very dry. About once every two weeks I wake up with my eyes stuck to my eyelids and then I have the intense pain very similar to post-PRK pain.
I don't have an optometrist or opthamologist here, so I'm in a bit of a bad situation. Could you tell me if this is something that could cause long-last or permanent injury to my eyes? I did notice over the last few weeks that I've had difficulty focusing on things, but I am unsure if this is related. That problem doesn't seem to be happening over the last two days.
What could you all recommend for me?
I am currently deployed to Afghanistan, so I don't have many resources available. I appreciate any insight that you can offer into my situation that might help me avoid serious injury to my eyes over the long term. Here is my background:
1) PRK in 2010 - August or September
2) Took accutane afterwards (increased dryness)
3) Deployed to Afghanistan earlier this year
I have awoken numerous times here with my eyelids stuck to my eyes. Sometimes it is one eye, sometimes it is both. I noticed that allergy medicine aggravates this condition, so I stopped taking that. Usually the pain is intense but short lasting. I have tried numerous options to help keep my eyes moisturized including lacri-lube, a humidifer, celluvisc, and regular eye drops. No matter which combination I use I always seem to wake up with my eyes at least very dry. About once every two weeks I wake up with my eyes stuck to my eyelids and then I have the intense pain very similar to post-PRK pain.
I don't have an optometrist or opthamologist here, so I'm in a bit of a bad situation. Could you tell me if this is something that could cause long-last or permanent injury to my eyes? I did notice over the last few weeks that I've had difficulty focusing on things, but I am unsure if this is related. That problem doesn't seem to be happening over the last two days.
What could you all recommend for me?