Hi all
First of all i would just like to say how helpful and sometimes comforting this site has been. Its really helped me with ny experience.
So, here's my situation. I have previously posted about my struggle with rebound hyperemia and dry eyes from whitening eye drops. Murine to be specific, pretty much the same as visine i think but more popular here in the UK (i think :P). It has been 5 months since i used the drops so i think, and am led to believe, that the rebound effect should have cleared by now. To be honest it feels like it has, my eyes don't feel as congested as they did (if you know what i mean). My eyes are still bloodshot when i wake up, quite badly. This lasts about 2 hours, then they do improve, in fact i dare say my eyes are quite normal through the day if i stay at home, but this is not the case when i am at a shopping center or university, when they tend to flare up and feel a bit uncomfortable and dry, as well as becoming bloodshot.
But, overall, they are not too bad through the day. It is after about 5pm, give or take an hour, that they start to get bad. whether i am at home or anywhere else the deteriorate quite rapidly, to the point where they are really red and dry by about 7:30 - 8pm. This obviously has an affect of my social life and my relationships with my friends and family, as it depresses s me when they look so horrible. I sometimes consider going back to the drops just to have a normal student/young life. Writing this now, i cant believe a small bottle of eye drops have put me in this position, its ridiculous but true.
Anyway if anyone else has experienced this, i know there are people on here who have suffered from rebound hyperemia. I would appreciate any help, or even if people would just like to share similar stories, i would greatly appreciate it.
First of all i would just like to say how helpful and sometimes comforting this site has been. Its really helped me with ny experience.
So, here's my situation. I have previously posted about my struggle with rebound hyperemia and dry eyes from whitening eye drops. Murine to be specific, pretty much the same as visine i think but more popular here in the UK (i think :P). It has been 5 months since i used the drops so i think, and am led to believe, that the rebound effect should have cleared by now. To be honest it feels like it has, my eyes don't feel as congested as they did (if you know what i mean). My eyes are still bloodshot when i wake up, quite badly. This lasts about 2 hours, then they do improve, in fact i dare say my eyes are quite normal through the day if i stay at home, but this is not the case when i am at a shopping center or university, when they tend to flare up and feel a bit uncomfortable and dry, as well as becoming bloodshot.
But, overall, they are not too bad through the day. It is after about 5pm, give or take an hour, that they start to get bad. whether i am at home or anywhere else the deteriorate quite rapidly, to the point where they are really red and dry by about 7:30 - 8pm. This obviously has an affect of my social life and my relationships with my friends and family, as it depresses s me when they look so horrible. I sometimes consider going back to the drops just to have a normal student/young life. Writing this now, i cant believe a small bottle of eye drops have put me in this position, its ridiculous but true.
Anyway if anyone else has experienced this, i know there are people on here who have suffered from rebound hyperemia. I would appreciate any help, or even if people would just like to share similar stories, i would greatly appreciate it.