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Supplement for ocular rosacea

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  • Supplement for ocular rosacea

    I wanted to let people know about a homeopathic supplement called Hyland's ClearAc that I've been taking for the past few months that has greatly helped with my ocular rosacea inflammation and dry eye. Its made for acne and I started taking it to help with the rosacea related pimples I get, and then I noticed it had a huge effect on my dry eye. I think it helps a lot with ocular inflammation and acne because its made from sulphur which is anti-inflammatory. I buy it from and go through about a bottle a week. I take three pills three times a day and let them dissolve under my tongue. It sounds like a lot but the pills are inexpensive and I just carry the tiny bottle around with me and I dont need water to take them so its pretty convenient. You're supposed to let the pills dissolve under your tongue instead of swallowing them so the ingredients enter your blood stream.

    I've seen a lot of improvement with this. I'm even able to wear contacts when I go out on the weekends without putting in drops every hour. Its such a relief because I used to avoid going out and seeing my friends for the past two and a half years since my ocular rosacea started and I couldn't wear contacts anymore. I'm so glad I can wear contacts for an entire day now without them killing my eyes. I know I'm rambling on but nobody else I know suffers with this problem and its hard to talk to my friends and family about it because they just dont understands how dry eye effects your quality of life.

    I hope other people give this a shot and see improvement from it.

  • #2
    Thanks so much Miranda for posting this! I am going to have to give it a try. (I'm having a horrible flare-up right now and my right eyelid is super swollen.) I really appreciate you, and everyone on this board for sharing knowledge and information.


    • #3
      Miranda, how long did it take for you to notice a difference? Few days, weeks, months? Thanks!


      • #4
        Thanks for the great advice Miranda!


        • #5
          I think it took me about two to three weeks to notice a real difference.


          • #6
            Have any others had sucsess with this?
            The cure: be open minded


            • #7
              Hey Redandsensitive,

              are your eye problems from Meibomian Gland Dysfunction, or lack of tear production, or auto-immune?



              • #8
                Originally posted by rhad View Post
                Hey Redandsensitive,

                are your eye problems from Meibomian Gland Dysfunction, or lack of tear production, or auto-immune?


                I have ocular rosacea, in others words: Meibomian Gland Dysfunction. I will do about everything to get those glands flowing again...
                The cure: be open minded


                • #9
                  I'm now trying Hyland's ClearAc. Hope it works... I'm desperate!
                  The cure: be open minded


                  • #10
                    I've unintentionally stumbled onto a possible solution, it has fix my tear production, which is back to normal. and improved my Meibomian Gland function..but not completely fixed it.. please see my other posts, I don't want to keep repeating it over and over.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by rhad View Post
                      I've unintentionally stumbled onto a possible solution, it has fix my tear production, which is back to normal. and improved my Meibomian Gland function..but not completely fixed it.. please see my other posts, I don't want to keep repeating it over and over.
                      I couldn't find it.
                      Can you post a link?


                      rs =)
                      The cure: be open minded


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by redandsensitive View Post
                        I couldn't find it.
                        Can you post a link?


                        rs =)
                        looks like one thing that may have helped him out is the Mastrota Meibomian Paddle

                        he also talks about

                        probably talks about a whole bunch of other stuff too but my eyes are too sore to do the search.


                        • #13
                          I just laughed out loud Aaron re:
                          probably talks about a whole bunch of other stuff too but my eyes are too sore to do the search
                          only because I can completely empathize. I tried to look earlier too and stopped when my eyes got too dry. I wasn't really laughing at/about you personally but at the irony of all of this - all of us and our desperate situations -having to do our own research to find solutions for ourselves while using a tool that itself causes many of us so much additional pain and disomfort. I guess it's good I can still laugh at my/our situation some times. It also always cracks me up that when I try to do a board search (and am not logged in) and have to type in the string of letters and numbers to "verify the image" I usually get them wrong and have to stare at the darn things again and again until I can finally input one successfully - talk about eye stress LOL.
                          Last edited by alisonW; 28-Jan-2010, 16:57. Reason: to add more...


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Aaron77 View Post
                            looks like one thing that may have helped him out is the Mastrota Meibomian Paddle

                            he also talks about

                            probably talks about a whole bunch of other stuff too but my eyes are too sore to do the search.
                            Thanx for link hehe, jupp, our eyes are too sore. I can't belive I laugh of my dry eyes
                            The cure: be open minded


                            • #15
                              Here is a link to Hyland's:
                              Unfortunately, this tablet is made from a lactose base, which I can't eat. Well,
                              shouldn't eat. Although, if it cured the ocular rosacea maybe the increased cost of toilet paper would be offset by not having to buy so many eyedrops!

