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Does anyone have these same symptoms?

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  • Does anyone have these same symptoms?

    ( Specifics about my eye problem)

    In the past 3 years my eyes have become very uncomfortable. At first, it was only at work where everyone likes to set he AC on 55degrees. *SIGH* My eyes have gotten worse over the past year to where they always feel irritated even at home especially while reading or on the computer. i guess because I blink less and the computer puts out a lot of hot dry air and fumes.


    -don't have typical classic dry eyes- My eyes are never sensitive to light and they rarely have any gritty sensation or a dry scratchy feeling. ( i live in a humid region of the USA They itch occasionally

    - They mainly just burn - with the menthol effect whenever my eyes are around moving air. At the end of shopping in wal mart my eyes feel so bad I can't stand it anymore.

    -Air conditioning is my BANE I get the urge to close my eyes. or just cover my face with a blanket. I can't stand central heating or a lot of wind. They do get literally dry if in a windy dry environment.

    -very fatigued heavy feeling in my eyelids and forehead.

    -Eyelids are always red. Capularies are enlarged and visible in my eyelids.

    - Lots of liquid filled bumps appear at my gland ducts and popping them increases confort. Heat compresses and scrubs exacerbate symptoms.

    -Extreme sensitivity to fumes- I CAN'T WEAR cologne or lotions on the face. I used to wear a little makeup like eyebrow darkener and that irritates my eyes now. (used eyebrow darkener because I was on benzoil peroxide on my face for itchy red enflamed skin problems and it bleached my eyebrows.

    - when i take a shower i notice my eyes are more irritated afterwards. During the shower my eyes feel really good though. Any time I'm around moist air my eyes feel well.
    No, its not my soap or shampoo. I've been a few days without a shower and no improvement.

    -Like i said above, any time I'm around really moist air it helps a lot. Wearing goggles is the ONLY way I am able to use the computer for more than 5minutes without being in unbearable irritation.

    doctors told me I have ocular rosacea, but I have lost a lot of faith in what they think or say. I do have some rosacea type symptoms on my face.

    I am trying to do a lot of hot compresses and eyelid washes but not helping so far.
    I was on oral doxycycline half doses every day for 5 months.
    I was on antibiotic eyedrops
    nothing helped.

    Anyone with the same thing I have? Have you found something that helps?

  • #2
    A desk humidifier helps

    I have one on my desk and it does help at work. At night after the warm compress, apply a cool compress to help reduce swelling and redness. I got V beam for the broken does seem to help with those. Azasite drops help make my eyes less sticky and gummy. But of course the whole problem is that instead of producing oil, the glands are producing gunk. That's it in a nutshell and you have no control over that. The fish oil is supposed to thin out the secretions, and it is marvelous for your cholesterol levels, but it is not a cure.

    That's what I've discovered. I've had this for four years.



    • #3
      Hello socratese,

      A few suggestions:

      1 - Do not get tap water in your eyes. It is irritating and there are nasties in the water.

      2 - If you wear contact lenses, stop until you get symptoms under control.

      3 - Consider treating inflammation - try using naproxen (Aleve) or ibuprofen daily - inflammation can cause some of the symptoms you describe. Try using a cool compress following warm compress treatment.

      4 - Get checked for allergies and address them aggressively if you have any. My allergy doc has me using Patanol, Nasonex, and Zyrtec when my allergies get aggravated.

      Good luck,

      Phoenix, AZ


      • #4
        sounds like it could be Meibomian Gland Dysfunction. The "Menthol feeling" could either be caused by lack of oil from your glands, causing quick evaporation of the tears, or just the inflammation in the eyelids from Meibomian Gland Dysfunction.



        • #5
          I have very similiar symptoms as you do. After several doctors, I am now stable and can function without being miserable.

          I have four plugs

          My daily routine includes the following:

          Shower in a.m. using Occusoft lid scrubs
          Refresh Plus PF drops

          No makeup, hairspray, etc. Very sensitive to all cosmetics, hair products etc. Current soap is dial (white bar) and Naturelle FF Shampoo and Conditioner from Sally Beauty Supply.

          When eyes are really irritated, I use Lotemax or Alrex for a few days.

          Hopes this helps


          • #6

            A LOT of people have that same pattern of symptoms or similar. Burning, burning, with extreme sensitivity to anything.

            If you get to a point of exhausting potential improvement to underlying conditions (of which rosacea is a possibility but personally I would trust the patient's assessment of whether it's going on) then personally I think this kind of - well I consider it nerve pain - is most effectively reduced with moisture chambers or, worst case, scleral lenses. And I guess you've already found that to be the case with goggles.
            Rebecca Petris
            The Dry Eye Foundation


            • #7
              Thanks everyone for the replies so far. I have learned a few more things from your replies. I have read a lot on this website and it helps to know that there is a place just for cursed people like us. Everywhere I go no one understands my problem and basically get a lot of rude comments from people I work around. If it wasn't for this website I would be a lot worse off with absolutely no help from anywhere.

              I have read a lot on this website, but I have yet to run into someone with the exact same symptoms as me. A lot of eye diseases and even tear deficiency problems have related symptoms so it's hard to pinpoint.

              I guess I will try bigger doses of Doxy, tear drainage plugs and maybe even sclerals as a last resort. It doesn't seem to be allergy related. It doesn't seem to be anything that makes sense at all.


              • #8
                I hope things get better for you. someone on here once told me to use ice for that extreme pain and thats what I do when my eyes won't let up. I think we all experience problems with other people. I don't have co workers that give me a hard time but everyone i know is always asking about my eyes and telling me i need to cry more, do you always have to wear the glasses? etc. Guess they don't understand but people here do and it is a great forum/ you will find lots of help here as i have. Good luck I hope you find what works for you. I have had this just over 1 year and i think i am finally leaning to cope with it a bit better and i am sure you will too.


                • #9
                  I HAVE to wear my onion goggles / motorcycle glasses when reading or at my computer at work or home. I get a lot of weird looks and questions, and when you're not feeling well and having to work at a semi-stressful job it's hard to deal with a lot of unwanted attention. I'm 26 and I have put off college because my eyes hurt so badly. My social life/ relationships have been very strained since my eye problems. My life is in complete shambles right now because of it. This is the first time in my life i've ever had to ask my parents for money. I hate being dependent, but this is becoming a severe disability.


                  • #10
                    Reading your comments

                    I have been reading your comments. I sure hope you find answers. I did read of olive oil giving relief. I tried it one time and it felt soothing but later in the day it seemed to feel like more foreign matter had gotten into my eyes. Haven't tried it since.

                    I happily am at the age where I can say I don't care much what other people think - what do they know about anything anyway? Everybody's life is unique - I think it is for each of us to try to be understanding of others. You are as good as anybody. Take care...

