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  • Update

    Well I am 11 months post lasik and I have had some improvements but many disappointments. I have been to 5 different doctors who have given me all somewhat different answers. I was told I have dry eye, then mild MGD, then allergies, then conjunctival chaslais. I have done OTC drops, steroids, restasis, 4x plugs, allergy drops, bandage lens, doxy and I take supplements. Omega 369, mult-vit., Vit D, Pormise oil, 3x's a day every day. I guess I would not be so frustrated but I get all these different diagnosis. My eyes still bother me. I have pain in the left with headaches off and on. The left also itches. The plugs put moisture in my eyes sometimes I even have a tear run down my face. But they still hurt and feel dry I am so confused even the skin around my eyes is sore. I have a hard time with stores and going out. I try not to think about them but I just do and I HATE it!! I have been to all these doctors and I ask questions and I get the I don't know back at me for an answer. UGH!!! I have improved threw determination, strength, family & friends, support through this web site and my non eye doctors have been great. I have yet to find a supportive eye doctor here in Minnesota who is willing to do everything and keep trying. I just don't know why when I keep going to a new doctor I get a different diagnosis. Anyway if anyone has anymore ideas or knows of a great doctor here in Minnesota or else where give me a shout. Does anyone know if plugs can make tear production slow down just curious?? Thanks

  • #2
    Your story sounds all too familiar. I think we all just want a dfinitive diagnosis but such is not often the case. These eye conditions all seem to be so interrelated and it never seems to be just one thing. It is something we need to learn to accept because this seems to be the best the doctors can offer. I personally have been told blepharitis (both posterior and anterior), MGD, poor tear film, chronic dry eyes, possibly allergies, superior limbic keratitis.

    Good luck in finding a doctor. I for one have lost hope that there is any MD who truly undertands these conditions.

