Well I am 11 months post lasik and I have had some improvements but many disappointments. I have been to 5 different doctors who have given me all somewhat different answers. I was told I have dry eye, then mild MGD, then allergies, then conjunctival chaslais. I have done OTC drops, steroids, restasis, 4x plugs, allergy drops, bandage lens, doxy and I take supplements. Omega 369, mult-vit., Vit D, Pormise oil, 3x's a day every day. I guess I would not be so frustrated but I get all these different diagnosis. My eyes still bother me. I have pain in the left with headaches off and on. The left also itches. The plugs put moisture in my eyes sometimes I even have a tear run down my face. But they still hurt and feel dry I am so confused even the skin around my eyes is sore. I have a hard time with stores and going out. I try not to think about them but I just do and I HATE it!! I have been to all these doctors and I ask questions and I get the I don't know back at me for an answer. UGH!!! I have improved threw determination, strength, family & friends, support through this web site and my non eye doctors have been great. I have yet to find a supportive eye doctor here in Minnesota who is willing to do everything and keep trying. I just don't know why when I keep going to a new doctor I get a different diagnosis. Anyway if anyone has anymore ideas or knows of a great doctor here in Minnesota or else where give me a shout. Does anyone know if plugs can make tear production slow down just curious?? Thanks
