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Evaporative dry eye due to meibomian glands not producing oil = MGD?

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  • Evaporative dry eye due to meibomian glands not producing oil = MGD?


    I know that due to accutane my Meibomian Glands now produce low amounts of oil.

    I have read a lot of posts and I`m not sure if this condition is the same as MGD. Or is that there are several types of MGD being the non production just one of them?

    It can be that my Meibomian Glands aren`t clogged and are just producing less oil or everyone that suffers from reduced oil has clogged glands?

    This confusion I have also leads me to not be sure of what posts about MGD can be helpful to me or which of them don`t. For example, does pressing my meibomian glands could be useful? Or do punctal plugs could be something to give a chance in my case?

    I would be grateful if someone could clarify this confusion I have

  • #2
    Good questions Rodri,

    I'm trying to figure this out myself. Hopefully some of the best well-informed participants will shed some light on this for us.

    As far as I know the Meibomian Glands can produce too much oil, not enough oil or bad quality oil which, in the third instance, could be the result of them being clogged. All three are considered a Meibomian Gland Dysfunction that can cause dry eye as they alter the chemistry of the tear film interfering with its ability to function as it should.

    Clearly, you will need to use an eye drop with a higher or lower oil component depending of what your Meibomian Gland problem is, this much I know but you may want to check the MG & LID CARE: Lid warming, expression, hygiene etc. forum.
    Last edited by Ariel; 31-Jul-2010, 00:35.


    • #3
      thanks for replying Ariel, I see I am not the only one with those kind of doubts.

      I have seen those posts on MGD and lid care but as I am not sure 100 % about those things I wrote on my opening post I don`t know if for example pressing my Meibomian Glands is useless or not.


      • #4
        Try the q-tip trick and see if it brings you relief or not. If it does bring a lot of relief you're lacking in oil, surely due to gland irritation.

        The process will probably be painful on the glands but I,d say the pros outweight the cons.


        • #5

          Yes, meibomian gland dysfunction is abbreviated MGD.


          • #6
            Question re products and hygiene

            Hello, I'm Becky. I don't know if I'm writing in the correct place--am new member! I have seborrhea (scalp) and blepharitis but never the latter bad enough to give me dry eye before!! I must use Nizoral 2% Rx shampoo so have just been pushing some suds down on my eyebrows and tightly shut eyes for about 10 seconds while in daily shower. Drops that were just liquid tears did nothing. My doc said my meibomian glands are clogged so I'm doing warm compresses and he's put me on a drop for 2 weeks called Tobradex ST which is both cortisone and an antibiotic. Am also free to use drops as wanted. I have just started to try to express the oil after warm heat. I saw somewhere to do this by (one eye at a time) closing eye, pulling at outer edge toward ear and holding onto inner edge of eyelids with finger of opposite hand. (Can't imagine what years of this would do to skin around eye--but who cares when your eyes are killing you!). I had the best results with this, and felt best, after I just let myself take an extra 5 minutes in the shower with pretty darn warm (not hot, we know) water running right over my shut eyes. But, of course, it didn't last. I am convinced that not just the cold, dry weather but the fact that I am very "run down" (I think I've really got adrenal exhaustion since the holidays) contributed to my getting a bad bout with bletharitis. I know stress can contribute to that condition being worse. I just hope this is just a "bout." I have a doc who I've used before who will prescribe Nystatin liquid suspension 1 teas. 2X daily for a week and I'm going to get some more from her! This doesn't cure but indeed does help to dampen down the amount of yeast production. I couldn't get other doctors (GP, dermatologist) to give me this and I have no idea why not. She said they just didn't realize that it could help with systemic yeast and only used Nystatin for specific throat thrust or vaginal yeast!! So finding a doctor to prescribe this may be challenging for others out there (though I googled it, it seems benign, and I haven't had negative side effects from it--have used it 2x previously just to calm scalp itching.) I think I'll especially need it forever anytime I have to take an antibiotic systemically. I'm just getting started with this and, along with a few other med problems, it is consuming ALL my time. I am dropping out of everything--I know Rebecca said not to isolate yourself, but I'm exhausted and feel like rest, eating right, short walk, & doing all my meds and regimens are the best things I can do for awhile. Hope this helps. Let me know by name if I'm doing anything wrong or if others have suggestions for when I come off this cort/antibiotic. THANKS, Becky

            Originally posted by Ro dri View Post

            I know that due to accutane my Meibomian Glands now produce low amounts of oil.

            I have read a lot of posts and I`m not sure if this condition is the same as MGD. Or is that there are several types of MGD being the non production just one of them?

            It can be that my Meibomian Glands aren`t clogged and are just producing less oil or everyone that suffers from reduced oil has clogged glands?

            This confusion I have also leads me to not be sure of what posts about MGD can be helpful to me or which of them don`t. For example, does pressing my meibomian glands could be useful? Or do punctal plugs could be something to give a chance in my case?

            I would be grateful if someone could clarify this confusion I have

