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Ask ophth what they think that inflamed red line under the upper lid is then, and how that affects the eye surface. Also what is your contact lens history? Assuming you are on the Omega 3 oils and warm compress + lid massage to get the MGs going again. What did M.Guillon say about MG dropout and 'oily layer' in tear film? Is that a capped MG middle of the upper? Some people with sensitive eyes do have night time allergic component from bedroom (we are changing to antiallergen bedding, wooden floor, annihilating cupboard dust and mould, no perfumed cleaners, using humidifier: see Advocate's useful posts). White flecks in nails = vitamin/mineral deficiency, probably zinc (maybe = skin probs). Check it out bro!
- My problems cleared up two years ago but started again when I moved house and changed offices at work (I don't know whether this is coincidence or not), however I used to take evening primrose 3 x day and stopped this 3 months prior to problems again. I went back on omega 3 (theratears nutrition - no improvement)
- Michel Guillon just said it was inflammation and bleph. (he tried cationorm, thicker gel, supranettes etc, no help).
- My main opthamologist who I have seen since I first had problems 3 years ago and saw recently says my eyes look "fine" and that I have a "good wedge" of tear film? He says I have reached the end of the line in terms of treatment (used many lubricants with no help, steriod eye drops for a couple of months no help and strong allergy eye drops, again no help.) He said that he sees patients who have far worse symptoms (visually) but have no pain etc. He once stated I must have a low pain threshold (rather unhelpful response I thought.)
He says my eyes are much better than when I saw him 3 years ago.
- I have tried warm compresses - no help.
- I have used contacts for years, wear them probably 1x a month at the min.
Can you express the glands after a warm shower using a cotton bud or two fingers rested under lower lashes, squeeze or push up, and take a close look what's coming out: baby oil to toothpaste consistency? x10 mirror might help. There's no other sign of bleph inflammation on lids apart from the yellow gunk is there? eg inside lower lid looks healthy, MG line normal. Can't see too well but don't MGs on the upper look blocked? Some of the white gunk looks like mucus and mucin strands off the uncomfortable eye surface doesn't it? Does red eye resolve through the day? Are you still thinking it might be meibom insufficiency post Accutane?
Your eyes and lids look just like mine. I too was on Accutane years ago and believe it's the cause of MGD dysfunction. I also think I have ocular rosacea as it goes hand in hand with acne-prone and sensitive skin. You can have it even if you do not have any facial symptoms of rosacea. For many, the eye problems arise first. I don't have any solutions as I am still struglling myself but wanted you to know that you're not the only one experiencing the same symptoms.
My eyes look very similar in the morning but seem to get better in an hour or so. I use cold water compresses in the morning to help reduce the redness and inflammation. It really seems to help me rather than the warm.
I also have occular rosacea and mild allergy I suppose.
if you wake up like that in the morning I'd say it is cause your eyes are drying out during the night cause your eyelids are not fully shut when you sleep. I say try putting a large dallop of lacrilube in your eyes.
The pus substance sugguests that your tears are off low quality. It is oil from your oil glands that is not compounding with the water componenent of your tears. Common problem if you had been a long term contact lens wearer before all this?
Lens put your tears mechanism under a lot of pressure and so because of the natural challenge lens have on your eyes You need to quit wearing your lens for 3 months. Keep with the drops, flaxseed, hot presses etc. You are young and are likely to have your eyes back normal again soon.
My eyes look similar to yours, specially the capped upper MGs, not toothpaste like consistency but still opaque consistency. I am also post Accutane. I've been told Accutane has nothing to do with this since once the drug is eliminated from the system, it can no longer interfere with the eyes...
My eyes look just like that when I wake up in the morning. I started seeing a new eye doc recently and have been using maxitrol eye drops (antibiotic/ steroid drop) for a few weeks now. They seem to be helping a bit.
Very frustrating condition to say the least.
What are you going to do now? I was also seeing an eye doc for a while, who pretty much gave up and told me something similar about reaching the end of the line with treatment. I didnt like that, so i started seeing a new eye doctor.
You really need to scub the crud off your eye lashes regularly with either baby shampoo or some other mild cleaner. As far as I know, if it is blepharitis, that is the main treatment. Your eye lashes should feel as clean as your hair after you wash them. I do it 4 times a day and it removes all of that crud that is showing on your eyes.