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Sea Buckthorn Oil?

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  • Sea Buckthorn Oil?

    Any input on ingesting Sea Buckthorn Oil? I have read studies that show some amazing properties of healing, inflammation reduction, and more. But I know not to believe everything you hear!

    I'd like to try this though, but was wondering if you think it is safe?

    I'm already using flax and fish oils (high quality, tested free from heavy metals, toxins, etc.) but seeing NO improvement (4 months now).

    Thank you!

  • #2
    Sea Buckthorn not as great as touted

    I think Sea Buckthorn is a fairly nutrient dense plant source since it is relatively hig in vitamins c, e (both tocopherols and tocotrienols), beta carotene, b vitamins, flavonoids, minerals and essential fatty acids. However many are looking to this for its Omega 3 EFAs and I dont think it is a good source of these. Similar to Flax seed oil, perilla and chia, these are all plant based omega three and difficult for many to go thru the enzymatic pathways to convert into the EFAs, EPA and DHA. I like chia and certain sea plants the best from a plant source of omega three but dont love them. Since you are covering all of your bases with flax and fish oil i dont think you need any Sea buckthorne, i dont see any added benefits. I know there is a lot of hype regarding this product but be careful not to believe everythig you hear. I havent been able to find a lot of good studies promoting the positve health benefits. if you stick with a triglyceride form omega three fish oil in a relatively high concentration you will be better off. Fish ols have been studied more than any other omega three source including krill, squidd, green muscle, flax, chia, etc....... Stick with something backed by good science. Happy Holidays!

    Michael Lange OD, CNS


    • #3
      Great, thanks so much!

