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tired of ocular rosacea... anyone have good suggestions??

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  • tired of ocular rosacea... anyone have good suggestions??

    i have sjogrens, mgd and ocular rosacea... burning so bad. tired of it. going to eye doc tomorrow.he will express glands (brings relief) and cauterize at lesat top upper puncta where plug keeps falling more relief...

    but what can we do about ocular rosacea? i tried Azasite for mgd years ago-was allergic to bak and it burned so bad..would it be worth maybe trying the non preserved type from Leiters?? i have got to get off steriods..

    also been using blood serum. may give it 6 months total.but so far not too impressed..just like last year..

  • #2
    Jenny, what we eat makes a big difference. I don't have it all sorted out yet. Stress, lack of sleep, everything adds up. Goggles help, because some of the redness is from just being dry. A doctor on another board mentioned Acuvail for inflammation, but I don't know much about it. I don't think he was speaking directly to Rosacea being the cause of inflammation. Wonder why the Doxy isn't helping you?


    • #3
      i dont know.. i .tried acuvail but my eyes were just as dry..i tried it a few months agao and a few years ago...
      i am getting cautery i think on my one puncta so hpefully that will help the eye that is so dry...

      even when i eat good my eyes kill me... and latley i have not been sleeping much as i am getting off the ambien...thanks.. and stress.. i have a lot of stress


      • #4
        what steriod are u taking? maybe try switching to a more diluted one like alrex so at least its "safer" I understand the redness, it bothers me to. I take doxy, use alrex, flaxseed, omega 3, and vitamin A. I tried restasis but it made me more red so i stopped. I've only been off it for two days but already feel better and my eyes are at least less red. I'm trying to wean off steriod use to but my doctor said its ok to use the alrex if i need it....i just get checked regularly.


        • #5
          i have to take non preserved prednisol.... i tried fml non preserved which is like alrex and it did nothing..
          now i am wondering if its the sauerkraut i have been eating per the autoimmune book that is aggravating my rosacea...


          • #6
            is non preseverved prednisol a stronger one? I wish I could use Lotemax forever lol, it makes my eyes white but i cant. It could be food that is making u aggrevated.. I dont even really know whats wrong with my eyes..everytime i go to see my doctor he says something different.. i know i have blepharitis for sure, but whether my eyes are just dry from that or i have ocular rosacea im not sure. i dont have any facial redness, besides a few blemishes here n there..

