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Sauna gives me relief

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  • Sauna gives me relief

    I was last weekend with my freind at a spa here in Sweden.. We were sitting in a hot dry sauna for like 15 minutes, and this gave me a huge relief afterwards.. I could se clear oil from almost all my glands and since last friday i havent used an eye drop. I cant say im cured in any sense but i think if i should continue this routine and use the sauna sometimes every week and see if it still works. The strange thing is that i noticed this before and bought a facial sauna with steam. But the result from that one isnt even close to the dry sauna at the spa.. Anyone that tested this?

  • #2
    Steam Room gives me amazing relief, but I can't stay in there forever.


    • #3
      I often use the the dry sauna at our local gym (no steam room available) and find it's comparable to a hot compress or blephasteam. A 15 minute sauna session allows me to skip one of the twice daily BlephaSteam treatments I do.

